That's awesome, murmer. I'm glad someone else besides me loved Rampo Noir -- I've been telling people for 3 years to check it out. It wasn't critically well-received at all. You should definitely check out PINNOCHIO 964:

This is another one of those movies that critics seemed to hate and you get a lot of confused reviews all over the net, especially imdb.. but this film absolutely BLEW ME AWAY. Screaming, vomitting, melting, messy, insane, beautiful film. I bought it about 5 years ago from for $5, so it's probably easy to get for cheap.
I also highly reccomend getting Takeshi Kitano films, any of 'em, since he's my favorite director, I know I always reccomend him, but Hana-Bi, man.. HANA fucking BI.

Better films don't exist, really, ever.

unless you've already seen it.. you have to be in the mood for it, but if you have 2 1/2 hours to kill, it's the most beautiful japanese film of the past decade, imo. just amazing. has some great animtion in it, too!
Finally, get some wong kar wai...

most of his films rule, though nothing really beats fallen angels (most people prefer chunking express but some of the music nearly ruins the film. fallen angels is just so cool, so colorful, so perfect. it's kinda like john woo -- the killer era -- meets godard, pierrot le fou or something. doesn't get much cooler than that.... my favorite films of all time come from asia, especailly hong kong. always have reccomendations ready for anyone that wants anything from over there!!!