Faces and Following rule. VIEWTIFUL ALAN -- did you see my posat on facebook with all the johnnie to films? It's missing his newish ones -- fulltime killer (his best imo), Mad Detective, Sparrow, etc -- but still has tons of great ones, including some that are really hard to find. I highly reccomend THE MISSION, BREAKING NEWS, EXILED, HERO NEVER DIES (so fucking good! Fuck!) RUNNING OUT OF TIME, FULLTIME KILLER, and 3 films he produced: EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED,ODD ONE DIES, and the absolute
masterpiece TOO MANY WAYS TO BE NO. 1... an absolutely
insane movie, with the camera spinning all around, hanging upside down, getting blood splattered all over it... great great fucking movie.. do whatever you can to see it.. it's on asiatorrents, cinemageddon, karagarga, surrealmoviez, and probably some public trackers and shit... see TOO MANY WAYS TO BE NO. 1
immediately, I can not TELL YOU how great it is. It's one of the few films clearly inspired by Takeshi Kitano that does something unique and interesting and isn't a clear ripoff of Kitano. Also, Run Lola Run ripped it off.
House of the Devil is one of the most boring films I've seen in a long long time. It was aesthetically pleasing, though, which is probably enough for most people. It looked pretty good and came out on vhs. Which is cool.

I've been on a huge Woody Allen kick. I've seen every single one of his films now except some of his early "screwball" comedies which don't interest me in the least. He's a great director, despite often repeating lines, plots, characters, etc. from film to film (it's VERY RARE that he ever experiments in any meaningful way, aside from the editing in Husbands & Wives and Deconstructing Harry... also, why are his title sequences EXACTLY THE SAME in 95% of his films?) I feel comfortable now with making a top 10 list of my favorite Woody movies... it probably doesn't stray too far from most people's top 10 lists of Woody films, but I've noticed I do love a few of his films some people seem to hate (cElebrity! I highly reccomend everyone watch this one, this has Leonardo Dicaprio's best role ever, a few months after Titanic, ever.. you get to see him be coked-out and fucked-up and scream and be abusive to women and be a madman... it's great!)..
1. Annie Hall
2. Celebrity
3. Husbands and Wives
4. Manhattan
5. Crimes and Misdemeanors
6. Stardust Memories
7. Deconstructing Harry
8. Hannah and Her Sisters
9. Interiors
10. September
Anyone else REALLY like Woody Allen? *crickets chirp* I will say, he hasn't made a great film in a while... even the much-loved Match Point was horrible. Whatever Works was pretty fun, but it got old a bit too fast... wouldn't WORKED if it had been a short.
One of the greatest directors of all time, though. I highly reccomend the weird as hell documentary "MEETIN WA", where Godard interviewed him and clearly, neither one understands each other. It's hilarious.