Ohhh, a chance to rate!
10. Sin City - 7/10 (Rodriguez's best)
9. Boogie Nights - 5/10 (decent movie but not one I find myself ever having the desire to watch)
8. Reservoir Dogs - 7/10 (would rate higher if so much of it wasn't ripped directly off of the superior City on Fire -- still, Tarantino's best by far)
7. Magnolia - 6/10 (interesting film, if a bit long)
6. There Will Be Blood - 6/10 (just a good little film)
5. Clerks. - 8/10 (great acting, holds up upon rewatches; everyone was on the ball here)
4. Mulholland Dr. - 8/10 (I'd say my favorite Lynch film is Fire Walk With Me, but this one has some of his best scenes, like the little "old people" with the Chipmunk voices, and the scary bum behind the alley)
3. Pulp Fction - 6/10 (felt like a crime version of Short Cuts, neat little movie, though I find bits of it uninteresting)
2. Fargo - 9/10 (the Coen Brothers are the best mainstream directors we have, and all the performances in this are incredible. I dunno if I'd rate this as my favorite movie by them, what with Blood Simple and Barton Fink existing.. but I think Buscemi makes this film, so eh.. yeah.. 9/10!)
1. Punch-Drunk Love - 6/10 (not really my thing, and I just flat-out don't like Adam Sandler. Despite this movie having a lot going against it, it's just a good little film)
All good movies.
My top 15 at the moment would be:
15. Love is Colder than Death
14. Tokyo Fist
13. Funeral Procession of Roses
12. Persona
11. Bed You Sleep In
10. Bad Lieutenant (original)
9. Blow Out
8. The Killer
7. Pierrot Le Fou
6. Pastoral: To Die in the Country
5. Possession
4. Hana-Bi
3. Eureka
2. El Topo
1. Taxi Driver
Feel free to rate them!