I wonder when "rape films" became a genre.. the original I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE?
Anyway, the two most shockingly graphic (but still boring) films I've seen are EXHAUSTED (mentally retarded girl gets raped, gives birth to a dead fetus ON CAMERA after a fat naked also-mentally retarded tries to kill her with scissors -- then fucks HERSELF with scissors and dies -- and then the retarded girl goes to the beach with the dead fetus and breast feeds it...) and AUGUST UNDERGROUND MORDUM (pretty much an unwatchable film -- but, basically, imagine ANYTHING you would find shocking -- it's in this film).
As for films with this "sick! Torture! Ugh!" shit I actually find good.. there's not too many. I guess REGORGEITATED SACRIFICE and SLAUGHTERED VOMIT DOLLS -- despite the names -- aren't too bad. MURDER SET PIECES is funny (BLACK BLACK BLACK comedy but kinda funny) and uhhh... I liked INSIDE a lot, which dealt with a lot of pretty sick themes, but did it tastefully and.. artfully.