I've seen part of Evening with Kevin Smith 2... and then I realized it was 4 hours long and promptly turned it off. All the people asking him questions were just trying to be "cool", anyway. EVERYONE was trying to out-clever each other. Smith talks too much, too.
Clerks was good, but mainly because the actors were amazing, long unbroken uncut conversations -- great stuff. Reminds me a lot of SLACKER -- those superinteresting tales in the superlong takes. Smith is a decent dialogue writer, but tends to go overboard with the in-jokes, homages, parodies, etc. Some of his stuff is almost as bad as Family Guy. I had more fun watching the silly Cop Out than something like Dogma, which deeply offends me (not the religious aspect, mind you, I mean the quality of the film). Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back I've accepted as a film 'for fans only' and since I absolutely HATE those character with all my heart, it's no wonder I hate that film with a passion. He' not the worst director in the world but I highly doubt he'll do anything half as good as those first 3 films again.
Minor trivia: GIRLS AGAINST BOYS are on the soundtrack to Clerks AND Mallrats. And, in fact, that's one of the main reasons I saw Clerks -- I've always been a big GvsB fan, and my friend had the Clerks soundtrack, I was like "whoa! Neat! A soundtrack with GvsB AND Jesus Lizard! Ohh!" so I said "what the hell?" and decided to watch it. It's probably the only time I've ever watched a film because the soundtrack was cool.