I remember sitting on my dad's shoulders as he walked through the snow. I was scared/crying. Must have been while we were living in Spokane, considering the snow. + clearly I was very little being that I couldn't walk through it myself. This is probably my earliest memory...that, or either one I have of holding my little brother while my mom was (maybe) getting ready for work. I was sitting on the couch holding him...I'm only two years older than he is which would mean I was likely 3 or 4....actually, this would have happened after the snow incident because I remember the couch we were sitting on, and it was in Florida (where we moved to after Spokane).
A Big Bird birthday cake. I remember seeing it, and knowing that it was mine...but no idea how old I was.
A canine dog locked up in a fence. My dad was an MP during his earlier years in the military...it was def. before I started elementary school. I felt a kinship with that dog but refused to go anywhere near it. Maybe I wasn't allowed.
Being poor and living w/ my mom in the 'hood. Living in this house with a huge ditch around it. Living mostly off of cereal an corn dogs. I would have been in kindergarten or maybe first grade. She'd separated from my dad and it was shortly before he gained custody of me + my bro. She'd regain it the summer before fifth grade, after me/dad/bro returned from Okinawa, and thankfully she'd be in a better financial situation.
Team Thurston!