can I speak for the other side?..... I don't read books myself. I love the craft of writing, and have just as much respect for it as I do any other creative endeavour. I don't lack for intellect by any means.... but for some ungodly reason, I just can't stand reading. My brain doesn't work well for reading.... humbly but honestly. I can't read a paragraph, especially if it's a name heavy content and comprehend what's going on by the time I'm done. By the time I'm on the next page, I'm lost. It feels like an attention span thing.... because I really try. It's only with reading. It's like my brain cramps up with each sentence with forced focus on reading... otherwise, it wanders.
My dad reads like a freak.... like a book every two days or so. And when he's not reading he's doing audio books. His mom owned a book store and her life was about reading. My brothers read constantly too.... I've been cursed with a short attention span.
I've excelled with other forms of art and challenge my brain in every other way.... 'cept reading. Honestly, I wouldn't push anyone to read. If reading brings them pleasure, they would be doing it. I think for some people, who's brains don't work like that, that it's torture... (speaking for myself)
