I like to wear brown pants, I dunno, they just look cool. Never thought about it too much, brown and blue, cool colors for pants. Problem is (I guess) I only own one pair of shoes, and they're black. Coupled with this I have a handful of black shirts.
Normally (and still) I wouldn't care about this. But apparently for reasons unbeknownst to me alot of people think brown and black is a very bad and in strange extremes the worst color combination you could think of for an outfit.
I still wear the combo (what else am I going to do?) and get made fun of occasionally, and talk about the lamest thing to get heckled about.
I suppose I'm dear abbying about this because I just think it's wild that black/brown haters seem so repulsed by something like this. I've talked to some people about this and they liken it to looking like trailer trash, or that it makes you look mentally dumb, and similarly extreme things. But they can never really explain why it looks bad beyond the generic 'it just does.' standby.
Wondered if you guys wanted to weigh in.