I thought Zombieland was a terrible waste of budget. The title and trailors would lead you to believe it's a constant and non-stop engagement w/ zombies. It's not. The presence of zombies throughout the film is miniscule. The tragedy is, they spent so much time and money creating a very impressive wasteland environments and scenarios, yet most of the movie involves the cast driving through these environments that give off an intensity and uneasiness that they are inhabited by zombies and that the will encounter them, but it never happens. It almost feels like they spent the whole budget on locations and props, that they absolutely had non for zombie characters. And when they did inject zombies, it was in such sparing doses, it felt pathetic... and far from a "zombieland".
Another thing, and I know it's been said, but I assure you, I'm not just echoing common criticism, but the whole time I was watching and right off the bat, it felt like the role of the Jew kid was written for Michael Cera but they couldn't cast him so they went with a generic Mr. Cera who choose to act just the fuck like him in every aspect. It just got irritating from the beginning on... dude, you're not Michael fucking Cera.
I like Emma stone OK, she's hot and all, but not enough of her, and she couldn't carry the movie. But I mean c'mon... a "Zombieland" movie that places a select few into Zombieland, yet the whole movie is about 4 people driving through very convincing desolate areas that are zombieless while trying to get along with each other. Fuck it! Waste of theme and film.
oh, and the ending.... they don't get any more anti-climatic.
