Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
No one freaked out when crack-ass white CHRISTIANS blew up the FBI building in Oklahoma, or set a bomb to go off in crowded atlanta olympics.
actually, they did.
and in Obama's first year in office he got a lot of shit for his cabinet issuing a national advisory statement to ALL law enforcement to be extra diligent in watching out for America's traditional terrorists, extremist right-wingers who assassinate abortion doctors in the churches, blow shit up, and spew all kinds of hate-speech..
the republicans had a field day, but their head was up their ass.
The traditional domestic terrorists in America is indeed a Christian nutjob or extremist anarchists BUT the key words in there was nutjob (not Christian) and extremist (not anarchist).
Jihadists blow up more shit in their own countries, just like our own domestic problems create our own domestic terrorists, and religion is not necessarily the driving factor.
hate is the problem, not the peaceful or intelligent ideologies which contributed to the hate.