Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Why do some people still believe that Barack Obama is a muslim or that he was born outside of the USA?
I don't like or support ANY president from ANY party or lack there-of, but this has also been upsetting me.. its like shit, doesn't america remember just a year or so ago when they were all pissed off because they thought his
Christian pastor was to radical?
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I still equate christianity with mass genocide and tyrannical destruction of knowledge.
that I believe explains EXACTLY why most americans believe misinformation, both about islam and christianity (such as the anti-catholic vibe of american protestantism even though the puritans burned as many people at the stake as the inquisition ever did

I can easily agree that this mosque is in poor taste for its location, and that is obviously incendiary, but what upsets me is the level of backlash against Islam and Arabs from Americans, the fervent racism and xenophobia and needless hatred and bitterness.. From Israelis living in Jerusalem or folks living in the former Soviet countries I can understand completely, but Americans we got it spoiled when it comes to jihad..
All this backlash has revealed that it has nothing to do with poor taste or sentiments, it is racism and hate and nothing more or less.