Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hilarious ad-nominem
dude I am serious. Just in the Times this morning I read about the Former Chief of Staff of NASA on charges for corruption, paying exorbitant contracts to friends and family businesses ( NASA's budget is often higher than that of Ethiopia) I also read about corruption ongoing in the California budget crisis, about corruption in the CALPERS, ongoing drama in Bell/Maywood (and of course Vernon, South Gate and Lynwood) and this Blagojavich trial in Chicago...
whats in the paper is just the crumbs they feed us, the tip of the iceburg I can only IMAGINE what is really going on. !@#$%! I think you accuse americans of being naive to the rest of the world, but perhaps you are also a bit naive about what goes on in America. Maybe we should all mutually trust each others opinions on the issue and hear each other out, so you can tell us about your experiences and we can tell you about ours
IT IS NOT. there are worse places. much worse. it feels ridiculous to have to say it, but this is not the center of the universe and it is not the capital of evil and it is not to blame for everything that happens elsewhere. america is not omnipotent, omnipresent, or better at everything, including crime. it's not!
THIS IS THE WORST CANCER EVER. no, it's treatable.
Its not that America is the center, no not at all, but I think you are inaccurate to downplay the level, scale and severity of American corruption, simply because you might not see it as obviously as you did in other places you have been. Wander around skid row or the county jail or the PJs and you just might get a better view.. (not to say you haven't, more like a reminder)
The trouble is that if you ignore and downplay the problem, you perpetuate it, so no, with attitudes like yours this cancer is untreatable, and I think knox rightfully pointed out that the corrupt people in America (like corrupt American business men) have inadvertantly the power to really fuck things up in other corrupt countries, and thus we are all globally intertangled in this mess..
We americans would like to get our own house in order, so please, don't try disaude or discourage folks. Lets solve these problems openly and honestly..
cancer is fucking cancer my brother, and it is dangerous and deadly regardless if it is in stage A or stage D...
Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Am I the only one who disagrees with the US and it's allies leaving that godforsaken place in such a hurry?
yes, because everyday Americans are in Iraq it instigates the haters and stokes unnecessary anomosities. Much like in Vietnam, regardless of how much we have fucked up the country, the best and first thing to do is leave, then we can clean up the mess we left behind. As long as we stay there with boots on the ground, we can't possibly clean up the mess because we just keep making it bigger, like a bull in a china shop trying to sweep up the glass, only to knock over more and more shit in the process :/