I have a lot of posts I have planned jotted down in a notebook for the Game Boy Player Land blog. However, many of them I probably won't get to because they involve me enduring some horrible games. Now here's the thing -- I have no problem PLAYING crappy games. I'll play the worst GB games so that YOU (dear readers) don't have to. However, I do have a problem with paying for terrible games. So here's where you all come in. Maybe you've got some mind-numbingly bad GB, GBC or GBA games lying around. Maybe somebody threw in
Austin Powers: Oh Behave with the last trade you did? Maybe your sister left
Barbie Ocean Discovery behind when she went to college? Whatever. I don't really want those games... but sadly I'll take them (for free).

All donations will of course results in a GBPL shoutout. And if you've got a lot of crap, we can certainly figure out shipping. Thanks for yr time and crappy games!