wow. Zombie Flesheaters. I don't think I've seen that in like 10 yrs. Thanks for reminding me.
But yeah Night is almost like a classic that you "appreciate" (perfect word, thank you) and sit there and like point out what made the film important or interesting or ground-breaking... but it's not like a wild-ride.
Dawn is more fun, but again -- I think part of it is that Romero was so heavy handed with his societal satirical shit. Y'know? Where as maybe there's a lot of Reagan-era dread in Return but it's hidden by piles of fun, over-the-top gore and nudity.
Return - 10/10
Return 2 - 8/10
Return 3 - 7/10
Return 4 - 4/10
Return 5 - havent' seen it yet, but I love the cover.