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Old 08.04.2010, 09:41 PM   #11710
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I loved this film, but then again it was based entirely on the concept we psychedelics are deeply familiar with, "the Fear" and I was hooked. It took me three weeks to go to the theater, but thats because I have been to the theaters all of three times in the past 8 years, and this was well worth the trip. It will go down as one of my all-time favs once I get the DVD..

You are ridiculously correct on the writing! Its like the first two Terminator series, everything is looped together at crazy pieces and the films resonates on a million levels..

I especially enjoyed the fact that in the end it was a psychedelic story about a dude on the rebound, clinging to a lost past, and threading that idea into a serious mind fuck about the reality of reality. I love it!

I could see all the Dark City influences Nolan mentioned, and I really liked that it was not drenched with way-to-obvious computer graphics.. it struck me in the vein of late-80s to early-90s sci-fi, much more subtle than overwhelming and relying on the psychology as much or more so than the visual imagery! pure brilliance!

I think it left the psychedelic mind fuck ending open, as I always thought from the beginning, that the entire FILM was a hallucination/vision quest, and that NONE of it was real, and the ending was just a continuation of the beginning, a free-associative loop into infinity, the cruelty of what some of us have experienced, "the Fear"
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