slime city - 10/10
Been into this movie since I was like 14... FINALLY replaced my DESTROYED vhs copy I probably watched 100 times with one of the nicest, cleanest little dvd's ever, that shock-o-rama released... I cannot BELIEVE how well they cleaned this movie up... anyway, for fans of Henenlotter.. Street Trash... Evil Dead 2... and Body Melt... this movie is great.. since this was one of the first horror films I ever loved, I thought this was what the whole genre was going to be about, weird bodily fluid paint splatters and weird ass talking decapitated heads and shit... unfortunately, the "absolutely fucking insane low-budget with tons of weird effects" genre is very very small...
One thing I will say is that this movie had no following whatsoever when I first joined imdb, I was the 2nd reviewer for it, and there were 30 votes.. and I just looked and there are 15 reviews, 240 ratings, and the message board is packed. THere's also a sequel now?! What the hell? So, I'm glad people are finally starting to pick up on this classic!