Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Definitely drags, but it's my favorite film by him too. I find a lot of his stuff boring. I've seen everything he's done and I just... I dunno, I guess he's one of those people who even people who don't like anime enjoy watching. But I love anime and I don't really watch the kinda stuff he does. I like either super heavy stuff (Grave of the Fireflies) or supersurreal stuff (Cat Soup, Mind Game, etc)... I think Satoshi Kon is good at balancing both. The Damon Packard live action short remake of Naussiccaa is amazing, btw..
fugazifan, it doesn't matter what order you watch those Antonioni's film. Definitely see Red Desert if you can.
ive seen red dessert (need to rewatch it) blow up a few times the passenger and lavventura. its just that lavventura la notte and leclisse are considered some kind of trilogy. but you say that it doesnt matter?
oh, and, how bad is zabriski point? from the trailer it seems to have an easy rider meets jodorowski feel to it.