Originally Posted by Mark Ibold
a hip hop album, now that is interesting! would you say your sound is more like a Wu Tang Clan sound or more like The Pharcyde?
I had tickets to see the Wu Tang Clan a few years back but had to bail when my sister went into labor and i had to rush up to Boston to see my new nephew. What a crazy day!
sUmwH3Re batw33n RICK RO$$ and BIG DADDY KANE aha u kno. g4nGsTa buT I G0t d4T funky b34tz uNd3r|\|34tH it aLL. got a few N4M3S 4 da aLbUm wat u tHinKz da b3st???
1) "special guestz"
2) "cLuB n3ck1n"
3) "scarface II DA REMIX: m0nEy pU$$y"
let me kno wat u think