Mary is the Catholic Church's answer to the myriad earth mother/mother worship cults that have existed throughout human time.
It is only right to worship the female, for the female brings new life. the male does not. However, in patriarchal society and in severely patriarchal organized judeo/christian religion, where women are NOT allowed to be priests/talk to "god", but are also completely subjugated as secondary citizens, as crap leftover after the creation of MAN, as the tempters of MAN who essentially took humanity away from the grace of god in the garden of eden, Mary is the bone
Just as the early church (the seat of all that is wrong with christianity) co-opted the Mithras holiday/winter solstice to use as their messiah's "birthday", they co-opted the Goddess/Earth Mother by introducing a supposedly ALSO virgin born woman, who gave a virgin birth to the son of god. Neat trick. It has worked very well and helped kill all pagan competition.
In many countries worship of the Goddess/Mary continues with more furor than worshuip of god/Jeebus. Mexico being one example.
The Bible tells of a woman who was a virgin and gave birth. it tells nothing of her being born froma virgin herself, nor does it say that Joseph, her HUSBAND, did not fuck her brains out soon after, and had more children.
many aprocryphal writings talk of jesus' brothers and sisters. mary got that pussy waxed.