the fucking pigz got away with it again y'all....
where's the freedom!!!
its an unfortunate statement about the situation in Los Angeles that they moved the trial of that BART officer to LA..
while they said its was cuz of the media that is not entirely true, if you ask me its simple, Los Angeles is a town that is completely desensitized to police brutality, specifically police related fatalities...
In LA county there are well over 100 police related fatalities a year, that averages to 2-3 a week!!!! It seems like a few times a year we have our own Oscar Grant, our own unarmed young men shot dead in the streets by trigger happy 5-ohs...
it is a shame. In Oakland they rioted, and rightfully so, and I hope they riot for three weeks like they did in Athens, Greece, but here in LA, people would hardly even raise an eyebrow anymore about this kinda shit.
When the Oscar Grant crowd was passing out flyers and posting posters and speaking on street corners here in LA, the reaction of Angelinos was typically cynical, they would say, "Shit, my homie got smoked by the pigz too.." but instead of being sympathetic and active about this issue with Oscar Grant, instead we in LA have grown to accept police murdering us as common place, ordinary..
that is why they moved the trial to Los Angeles courts, because they knew LA wouldn't riot over this, they knew that LA would even be indifferent, because we are used to the police killing us left and right..
its a damn shame. That pig from Oakland should get 10 years at least, we'd be lucky if he serves 10 months..
They shot that dude in the back, after they already had him detained, we all saw it on the TV screen, on the YouTube, and the pigz got away with it again y'all..
thats it for hoodnews y'all...