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Rob Instigator 07.03.2013 12:59 PM

Twilight chick gets tiny Black Flag tattoo and Yahoo News does not understand it.

This is the worst part -
"Stewart revealed a tiny black infinity symbol on the inside of her right wrist, and a four tiny black parallel lines on the side of her left wrist. Last month, the actress was photographed at Pride and Glory tattoo parlor in Nashville, Tenn., while enjoying a road trip with friends.

What do her tattoos mean? No official word yet, but many fans are hopeful that that they symbolize her relationship with ex-boyfriend Robert pattinson . Some online commenters have speculated that the infinity sign could stand for Stewart's eternal love for costar Pattinson, and the four lines signify how long they were together."

evollove 07.03.2013 01:14 PM

Why are you looking up Kristin Stewart on Yahoo anyway?

You should read Daily Mail instead. They got this breaking story right.

Rob Instigator 07.03.2013 01:17 PM

a friend of mine posted the link to it on the book of face. he is a huge Black Flag fan. Me, not so much...

Rob Instigator 07.03.2013 01:18 PM

They still don;t seem to get that it is a stylized black flag fluttering in the air (the daily mail folks). everyone keeps saying it is "four bars."

people are so stupid about art

evollove 07.03.2013 01:24 PM

You follow her on Twitter, right?

I love u America! #USARules

Muah private life isn't ur fucking business �� I do what I do

I care about the people who say I have no emotion thus much how much I care about bad make up

too much favorite movies but my favorite book is the ''From East to Eden''

People are so quick to judge others faults,but never quick to point out their own

@MileyCyruus yeah honey �� we really should hang out more often & it sucks because we working so hard :D I have new 2 project

evollove 07.03.2013 01:25 PM

my hobby is surfing also play in a guitar,sometimes walk with my dogs :)

Rob Instigator 07.03.2013 01:37 PM

From East To Eden? ha!

dead_battery 07.03.2013 01:49 PM

Will The Lies Never End?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.03.2013 02:26 PM

If anything, this just ruins Black Flag for me. That chick can't act. She just makes faces. In fact, if she had like two-thirds less speaking parts in her roles, I might even be able to tolerate her. But alas, like a lot of women she talks too much ;)

In other Black Flag related news, I find this much more interesting..

Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous


Originally Posted by henry rollins
Now, you might be wondering why I am coming at you all world-weary and pseudo-intellectual with such trifling piffle.
Good question. First off, I believe everything I just stated to be true.
Secondly, just a few hours ago,
I was lying on my left side with a hose up my ass and I wanted to find the right way to tell you...

LA Weekly


Dr Chocolate 07.04.2013 01:16 AM

this is news?
no wonder i dont read up on these kinda things
that is until someone else mentions it
and even then i still dont give a shit

anyone ever take a shit and end up leaving the Black Flag logo behind?

TheMadcapLaughs 07.04.2013 09:36 AM

okay okay, i've looked into this and I don't her tattoo has anything to do with black flag. yes, there are four bars but they're not offset like the black flag symbol. also they are vertically stacked and not horizontal so it looks like some notches or something. see for yourselves

i think the association came because she was photographed wearing a black flag shirt. and now to shoot myself in the face for looking into all this. thanks!

tesla69 07.05.2013 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
If anything, this just ruins Black Flag for me. That chick can't act. She just makes faces.

That's really funny because recently I saw about 5 minutes of some twilight movie (all I could stand) and I was laughing because that was my immediate response that her acting is just a bunch of facial twitching and she was very very pale.

She's a honey and she looks loaded all the time.

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