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floatingslowly 12.19.2012 01:45 PM

Deepwater Horizon leaking (again)
According to the US Coast Guard, the rig wreckage is leaking an "unidentifed substance inconsistent with oil".

Let's all put down our plates of all-you-can-eat shrimp, and guess what cancer-causing agent it may be!

I'll go first: GMO CORN.

the ikara cult 12.19.2012 03:08 PM

Are you the new Gast?

Rob Instigator 12.19.2012 03:17 PM

An article recently described how the tons and tons of chemical dispersant used on the Gulf spill caused by Deepwater Horizon actually was up to 40 times more toxic than if they had left the petroleum (A NATURAL PRODUCT!) to decompose by itself.

someone made a ton of money selling the dispersant and the idea of using it.

Probably BP, to offset costs of renting the Horizon in the first place!

the ikara cult 12.19.2012 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
An article recently described how the tons and tons of chemical dispersant used on the Gulf spill caused by Deepwater Horizon actually was up to 40 times more toxic than if they had left the petroleum (A NATURAL PRODUCT!) to decompose by itself.

someone made a ton of money selling the dispersant and the idea of using it.

Probably BP, to offset costs of renting the Horizon in the first place!

I thought Oil was the natural "product" (as you put it) and petroleum was the result of its refinement? If you can give a link to that article i would be interested.

Rob Instigator 12.19.2012 03:33 PM

petroleum is the proper term for what is underground. "Oil"
is a euphemism created back in the day when people were almost as ignorant as they are now.
Petroleum is natural, it is a combination of organic and inorganic materials, created over the course of millions and millions of years, in places where massive swamp-like forests existed. All their collective putrefaction, over time, creates things like peat bogs, tar pits, and petroleum deposits.

floatingslowly 12.19.2012 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Are you the new Gast?

Are you the new jon boy?

Rob Instigator 12.19.2012 03:38 PM

Gast is ever-lasting. There cannot be a new Gast.

the ikara cult 12.19.2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
petroleum is the proper term for what is underground. "Oil"
is a euphemism created back in the day when people were almost as ignorant as they are now.
Petroleum is natural, it is a combination of organic and inorganic materials, created over the course of millions and millions of years, in places where massive swamp-like forests existed. All their collective putrefaction, over time, creates things like peat bogs, tar pits, and petroleum deposits.

thats what i understood to be "oil" given that we drill for "oil".
It doesnt seem the euphemism has worked very well.

I remember reading No Logo when i was 16 and thinking how awful Shell was, but now you never, ever, see any ads on TV for Shell or BP or Esso or Texaco. They dont even have to bother promoting themselves anymore. They know people hate them, and that theyre trapped whether they like ir or not (he says as he turns the heating on)

the ikara cult 12.19.2012 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Are you the new jon boy?

Only if youre the new Gast.

I actually love Gast's posts, when you stop trying to make sense of them they can be quite touching, like a fragmented mind desperately trying to piece itself back together. Part of me thinks his account is a one-man art project (and a successful one at that)

floatingslowly 12.19.2012 03:46 PM

I know I left out some big words to keep the reading level down for folks like The Ikara Cult, but again, it's NOT oil that's leaking, nor is it surfactant, which (gasp) floats on the surface.

It is an unknown substance seeping from the now-capped well-bore. And by well-bore, I mean, Thee Ikara Cult (jon boy).

floatingslowly 12.19.2012 03:52 PM

In honor of this world-spoiling event, I aim to spend the rest of the day listening to pirated copies of popular Radiohead albums.

the ikara cult 12.19.2012 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I know I left out some big words to keep the reading level down for folks like The Ikara Cult, but again, it's NOT oil that's leaking, nor is it surfactant, which (gasp) floats on the surface.

It is an unknown substance seeping from the now-capped well-bore. And by well-bore, I mean, Thee Ikara Cult (jon boy).


I was making the comparison that this is the kind of thing Gast normally clogs up the board with. Even if you are not the kind of poster to normally post that sort of thing, it read alot like a paranoid conspiracy thread of that sort. Hence i found it amusing.


floatingslowly 12.19.2012 04:10 PM

Hey, there's no need to shout.

I like gast too. I assumed you like jon boy. You like jon boy, don't you? We ALL like jon boy.

jon boy.

floatingslowly 12.19.2012 04:13 PM

If there's a conspiracy afoot, tesla69 will dial us into it. Although it's true that I'm hoping for GMO corn, I'll settle for chem-trails and lizard people. For now, we'll just have to settle for the unknown.

the ikara cult 12.19.2012 04:15 PM

My apolgies, the capitals were meant to serve as a kind of border. Maybe i havent got the hand of this internet thing. Does Jon Boy even post here anymore? I dont recall him ever saying anything particularly awful, but like i said, i might not have got the hand of this internet thing yet.

floatingslowly 12.19.2012 04:16 PM

As I listen to Radiohead, I can almost imagine the bleak landscape of a future that we are being force-fed.

dale_gribble 12.19.2012 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
guess what cancer-causing agent it may be!

dinosaur diarrhea.

hypertonic 12.19.2012 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
If there's a conspiracy afoot, tesla69 will dial us into it. Although it's true that I'm hoping for GMO corn, I'll settle for chem-trails and lizard people. For now, we'll just have to settle for the unknown.

kinda oddly fitting for Dec 2012 no? :eek:


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
As I listen to Radiohead, I can almost imagine the bleak landscape of a future that we are being force-fed.

true, haha. i dont know if i could make it all the way through the newer stuff. a friend was saying that they stated somewhere that they admitted they liked the Liars a lot. Both bands seems to have adopted a similar sound. I just strait prefer the Liars tho. Even if their song writing is shit I still prefer their sound.

floatingslowly 12.19.2012 11:44 PM

The mayan's ancestors were the first GMO Corn.


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.19.2012 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
According to the US Coast Guard, the rig wreckage is leaking an "unidentifed substance inconsistent with oil".


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