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what is the difference of killing with bullits or chemical weapons?
i hear now obama warn syria: 'when chemical weapons are used we will get in action!'
Mr Obama what is the difference of killing people with bullits or chemical weapons? people are killed and the hole world can watch it live everyday 40 people killed with bullits or 40 people killed by chemical weapons is still 40 people killed it is a stupid thing to say MR Obama and you know it the people in syria were left alone to defend their lifes many killed and tortures brutal war with thousands of death it is a very stupid thing to say because in the real context MR Obama say: 'We will do nothing to protect the syrian people as long as they are killed with bullits!' just needed to say this about Obama because it is sooo stupid |
killin is killin for sure
but chem weapons, (and you may need to go back and study your WWI history gast) are horrendous in the worst way. |
For some reason the State has decided chemical weapons are morally repugnant but it is ok to drop bombs on children while they sleep using remote control. For some reason it is ok to permanently toxify the environment with depleted uranium. Of course, humanism is not the State's strong point.
Mustard gas always makes me hungry for corndogs. :cool:
The difference is Syria is essentially Iraq. In the 1990s we had a no-fly zon over Iraq and bombed and strafed many Iraqis. However, we did not invade Iraq or pursue occupation. This was for good reason. In 1990 Iraq had the fourth largest military in the world. That means that by proportion to their population, Iraq as a heavily militarized society. Everybody was a veteran, everybody had military or combat experience. In the 1990s people used to ask why the US didn't invade Iraq and "finish the job" with Saddam, after 2003 we don't ask that question. The Pandora's Box powder keg that is Iraq is what the US was avoiding in the 1990s, and what we are avoiding in Syria today. There is no difference between mass murder by conventional weapons, and mass murder by chemical weapons aside from internationally such lines have been recognizably drawn. Besides of which, much like in Libya, who are these rebels? Are they really freedom fighters or another version of the Contras? The dirty not-so-secret is that Libya is in shambles, and we didn't necessarily do any good there. In Syria, it will be the same scenario. Further, Syria could be the tipping point that sparks international war with Iran. And if Russia decides its worth it? All of this translates into more and more dying Syrians.
the problem is that the population can not stop the weapon industry
in america it is the nra and the militairy who is for 95% of low brain people mix the high brain science and make weapons of mass destruction why would someone use brain to make clusterbombs, chemical weapons, nucliar weapons, landmines, granades and plutonium enriched amunition? why? because the animal is too stupid to realize that when you give weapons to animals you open the door to endless wars that is the thing with animals ok and it has nothing to do with humanism ot the states of an animal group if you are smart you don't give weapons to animals homo sapians is a very unstable animal it has a macho culture where the male shows of with the brutality and stupidity it creates, in his stupid apebrain it thinks it has done GREAT THINGS don't give weapons to unstable animal specie and i say it again because i know it all gonna go bad the animal sapian don't know anymore that it is an animal waking around it is lost in ritualism? what is ritualism? ritualism is the first religion go back in time, let say, cave people days with sticks and stones they preform a ritual that is a sort of communication with the powers of 'god', more primitive gods, like god of thunder or god of rain when they needed water for the food they lived from or ritualism in the jungle, where sapians use feathers of birds chiken blood and saying wierd things, what people call voodoo ritualism is the beginning of the religious behaviour of sapian animal do know that in the early days of ritualism everyone is analphabetic no schools what is teached is maybe some songs they sing and how to make a bow and arrow and hunting techniques more was not develloped in that time the macho culture of the sapian is natural like gorillas hit their chest with their fist to show the group of ' I'M THE STRONG APE AROUND HERE ' the sapian is to lowbrain to analyse his own behaviour that is 100% animal behaviour no way no future for the military i'm totally against the military and totally against the weapon industry fuck them both the weapon industry sells boms-weapons-granades-landmines-rockets and then WE NEED PEOPLE WHO WANT TO DIE FOR THE COUNTRY FUUUUCKKKK YOOUUUU MAN YOU SUPPORTED AND LEGALIZED THE SELLING OF ALL THOSE WEAPONS WHO ARE NOW USED TO KILL PEACEFULL PEOPLE WITH YOU LEGALIZED WEAPONS AND THE SELL OF WEAPONS YOU SHOULD GO AND DIE FOR THE COUNTRY YOU CREATED THE PROBLEM YOU CAN SOLVE IT |
Fuck The Weapon Industry
Money Before Peace Fuck The Weapon Industry Close It Down It Is Illegal And Criminal |
It Is All For Money That They Sold These Weapons That Kill Peacefull People
All For The Money The Human Race Is A Shame |
i think since the begining of ritualism the sapian lost his/her brain compleetly
we are just simple animal lifeforms nothing more then that ex-treeclimers and if you think you are something else you lost your mind too |
giving weapons to animals is not a good idea
and never will be a good idea in no future that ever will come soo conclusion lets live without weapons lets flush the macho culture trough the toilet |
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simple life forms do not know how to use, much less construct, and create, the internet, computers, language. all animals wage war of some sort, especially primates. we need to go BEYOND that, and thinking we are all just animals will never get us there. |
Rob, can you expand on this? I don't know of hives of bees attacking other hives of bees. There are certainly territorial and mating violence. The logistics of war seem to be distinctively human, especially wars based around philosophy. I agree animals kill, sometimes not for food, that is natural. A cat toying with a mouse, it is natural. But I've come to see war as the natural state of the human. Sadly. |
Actually, when you do the math, the ways in which microscopic life implement survival strategies, even chemical warfare, is even more impressive than our own efforts towards the same. Plants communicate through chemical messaging and then launch chemical warfare against their predators by releasing noxious or even poisonous chemicals to deter being eaten or invaded by herbivores or insect colonies. Bacterias and fungi use chemical weapons to defeat their competition, hence how we even discovered Penicillin in the first place. the wars that other animals wage are not necessarily as symbolic as human war. See, when a bacteria or a primate fight each other, essentially it is survival. HOWEVER, human beings survive in the OPPOSITE approach, through communal living. So when we wage war, it is not survival but the opposite, it is suicide. Flips the entirety of the whole cosmic balance. Other lifeforms on Earth fight to survive, good for them. When we fight, it is counter-productive to our own survival, heaven help us ;( Quote:
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Have you ever actually watched a cat toy with a mouse? It is heart wrenching, it is as devastatingly pointless as sitting in an ICU or watching the bombs go off on the evening news in some far away places knowing human beings are suffering as a consequence. I've learned an invaluable lesson from watching my house cats play with their prey, sometimes the mouse gets away. I've learned the importance of human dignity, of keeping faith, of staying optimistic and positive and hopeful even when facing the jaws of death, because like the death-sentenced mouse in the cat's mouth, sometimes, just sometimes by the sheer will to live we can always get away and survive to live another day. Cats are lovely creatures, but they can be cruel. Nature is not harmony, it is chaos. Human beings are made in the Image of God to bring harmony to this chaos, to seek balance in this realm of divided loyalties and disorder. Darwin was right on all accounts, both in discovering survival of the fittest and yet conversely in having been so devout and pious as a young man. FAITH in God is what leads to FAITH in humanity which is what saves the dying world. Life will survive humanity, but will it survive itself? Possibly not without a little conscious effort through the UNNATURAL selection of Humano-Divine intervention.. |
killer whales will toss seals around like toys, til they are dead and no fun no more. brutal stuff.
in insect woprld, ant colonies wage war on each other. hornets will wage war on each other. primates like chimps and gorillas wage war on opposite tribes, killing all the babies and men and raping the female chimps. It fucked Jane Goodall up when she finally saw this happen. |
Yes, but keep this in mind, the worst carnage we see in nature is generally reserved for inter-species combat, not self-inflicted wounds. To be sure, humans can be cruel to animals, to plants, to insects, but the most hurtful reality is the pains and sufferings which humans can inflict on each other. This is NOT natural, this is not the way which Evolution works towards human beings. We do not survive, evolutionarily speaking, by internalized divisions, but inter-human warfare, rather, through cooperation, through societal working together as family, as friends, as community. This is what has separated us from all other life on Earth, that we seem to fight ourselves more visciously than we fight other forms of life, and yet the opposite is necessary for our assured survival, that we stop fighting ourselves and seek a balance in nature. This is the moral of the Garden of Eden and the Fall of Mankind narratives in the Genesis exegesis. Even if the stories are not literally true, the convey this deeper moral, that cooperation versus division is the solution to human survival on this planet. If there is a God(s) in heaven, His/Her goal for mankind is to get along, not to fight more and more apart. I believe that we can do it. Don't let the TV fool you, mankind is a depressing lot to be sure, but there are bright spots which shine brighter than a Quasar to our benefit. Even in a warzone, you find the MOST positive examples of charity, of altruism, of deep and connective human love and understanding. We fight our own demons, yes, but we win more than we lose. Shit stinks more than roses, and one piece of shit in a beautiful Garden will get all the attention, but the Garden remains beautiful all the same once you get over that one piece of shit that doesn't really smell all that bad in the scheme of things |
Everything hinges on Love.
and everything can be destroyed by someone who chooses to hurt others rather than to love. |
A sophisticated new generation of Israeli bombs and rockets, used against Gaza over the past five years are leaving behind environmental contamination that is extremely threatening to public heath. According to Gaza hospitals, Palestinian victims are showing severe symptoms of heavy metal poisoning along with indications of radiation exposure. Depleted uranium, used for armor-piercing penetrator heads, is suspected – as it was in Iraq – of causing radiation-related disorders after it becomes vaporized on impact and ingested as dust. |
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