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gast30 11.20.2012 05:10 PM

people are waking up why everthings is going wrong
this is a video of INFOWARS about highplaced people who are nothing more then psychopatic people who are doing nothing but evil to the population

systematicly holding the population down and working on their emotional sphere to manipulate them and make them feel worthless
so they can control

wake up people on how the TOP people lie to the population

this is a video about that system
about cultbrainwashing
about ngo's and globelasation and 1 world domination dictatorship by a group of psychopats

the person who is on the online talkshow is Brain Gerrish his site is the UK collum

thruth organisations and other groups who want to know what is really going on and the structures that are placed to mislead people to keep the old structures of power in power

it makes sence to me

if 30.000 childeren dissapear in UK and 300.000 in US

and when police open investigations to these dissapearings that they are closed down from the top

AND why there is no ACTIVE AND OPEN system to searching for the thruth about these dissapearings

here is the video of info wars:

gast30 11.20.2012 05:17 PM

the thing that happend is that phedofiles and psychopats had a way in their mind

and that way the phedofile had in mind was to have access to childeren

and where are childeren?

mental institutions
playing fosterparents
poor countries
childeren survivng after a war

and so these predators attack childeren



Genteel Death 11.22.2012 01:55 AM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.22.2012 02:34 AM

all we can do is wake up to the reality of evil spiritual forces underlying all the world, and fight against them through positivity, through love, through building community. This means loving the assholes too, it is sort of the hardest part, but when we react to hate or fear with hatred and fear, we continue the cycle. It is time to close the loop. This is spiritual, not political, not cultural, not societal. It is much bigger than that, it is connecting with the true Self. Everything goes wrong because it is easier that way, it takes spiritual battles to fight the self-loathing of most people and fight the oppression of negative spiritual forces which tempt, manipulate, and coerce the human race. Things will carry on as ever so long as people are ignorant to the reality of the truer enemy. It is indeed ourselves, but because we are too easily tempted to listen to those darker forces whispering constantly in our inner ear.


gast30 11.22.2012 12:12 PM

i hear that in your post suchfriendsare dangerous that you a clear and awake of these evil movements

you know, when things don't fit
when things are not bright
when things are not love

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