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gast30 09.30.2012 08:06 AM

the world of today
the old movements of power
who think they are present in today
because they have weapons, people who they pay to keep people stupid, control the media, internet
with their justice system that is nothing more then vicious circel of who is wrong or right according to the religion written 1000 years ago

so i see it like this

the reason why no one did much to stop the killing of the people in syria
is because the justice china and russia see in these acts of a regime that tortures and rapes childeren and woman and kill many others

russia and china NOW can not get out of these happenings
as they supported these actions
THEY have to live with it

then ...
they make a fall towards the south
towards the oil
and hang with iran

then .. you have the arab states who are also aware and oppose the war in syria and are more friendly towars the west, america

then you have europe where russia lost it grip on the east
more european countries who where sovjet joined europe

europe has now it's difficulties of sleeping west europe politicians
they slept for a long time, i can say you that
and now they wake up in the crisis that is going on everywhere in europe

the acttacks in afganistan is the blindness of extreemist who can see that they killed the most of their people
and still stay in the believe that they are

it is again the hate propaganda that piosond the minds of people
and dragged them into war
to kill people

it is the hate propaganda that kills people
that let people see, think that there is an enemy

ongoing attacks in iraque
in africa

what ever happens
i still have to minimize these dangerous groups of people of the 7 billion people

many people don't buy hate propaganda

and many people don't know the hidden agenda's
where they can be victims of

so in the future no hidden agenda's

if you are a good person understand peace
you have no hidden agenda

this is not a garantee you won't be attacked or killed

as most of the people that are killed are good peacefull people

gast30 09.30.2012 08:11 AM

it is a tragedy in the human world

humans killing humans

gast30 09.30.2012 08:13 AM

seen enough of it

enough to prevent myself emotionally
and continue to live in the future
the good world
that leaves no room, no time for the past

gast30 09.30.2012 12:32 PM

also in the world of today

a puzzel of the concentrationcamp DACHAU is for sell on AMAZONE for 20$
this is sold under the department of TOYS FOR CHILDEREN

it can always get sicker and dummer 'the human world'

gast30 09.30.2012 12:53 PM

if you bring out these days a newspaper that is intelligent to very intelligent

it won't sell for a meter

the newspaper will be out of business

this all have to to with the FEED
what do you FEED people?

as a baby you get mothermilk
better no milk from chineese babypowdermilk that killed many childeren

so you see how volnurable the young are
if they are not seen that life has a value

then you grow up
what do they FEED you then?

things you might have ?'s with and don't like and don't find intelligent

the reason why most people live in the past is because the FEED they give humans is not intelligent

there is a reason for this during the history of humans
oppression of people
so powersick people
who always have the habit to clim to the top
want to speak for you
want to represent you

actually oppres you and all that you want to say
and just animal dominate you
because there is no other IQ in the animal

the FEED of humans is the reason why many people live in the past

so they feed the humans with low intelligent brainfood
and make millions

they won't go out of busniss
like the intelligent newspaper

these people who create the food
are head responsible for keeping people stupid

and also those who buy the food are responsible to keeping themself stupid

and so there is no reason for blamelogy

you are the brain that needs to know what is going on
and don't buy the FEED that keeps you stupid

even if your family members do
or people who thought you were your friends

because you look around and see what others are doing
and then you do exacly like they are doing because you look for group behaviour

while in reality you are an individual brain

every brain counts in the future

i say it again, not because i think you are stupid, don't look for group behaviour

you are an individual
and you count for the future

grow your IQ and make the change that is needed for the modern world

!@#$%! 09.30.2012 01:01 PM

gast30 09.30.2012 04:29 PM

people are still brainwashed
as i hear some talks on the bbc news

they were talking about the population of britten
the see clearly 2 kinds of people
immigrants who grown in their birth population with 30%
and the british population is grown with 7%

they clearly see 2 kinds of species walking around
they is still NOT ME

and they talk from their high state
that they were needed for the economy

so group 'immigrants' is needed for the economy of britain

so immigrants are not human
they are usefull robots for factories

do the brits remember a man called hitler
who thought the same thing

or was it to long ago in the brits history

watch carefully what apes are try'ing to make you believe

gast30 09.30.2012 04:35 PM

immigrants good for the economy
immigrants needed for the economy

and what the fuck are you for an ape to say that on the TV

what are the non immigrants then?

people who need immigrants to know that they are NOT the immigrants
and then

and then what
what you gonna preach on your schools
on your religious houses, where people are strong in their self believe of fantasy

they will take your freedom away
and make you believe things

if you give away the gift of the brave pioneer charles darwin, the evolution theory
you will loose all your freedom

gast30 09.30.2012 04:48 PM

i have enough of these high talks of apes
you don't need to go on tv for high talks

if you are so 'high'
you have better things to do
like fixing the financial crisis in europe

fix it then
if you have soo high talk
fix houses for the homeless
fix food for the people starving somewhere from the hunger
fix the protection of vulnerable people world wide

no, you won't to look good on the tv
think you are part of the beautifull people who are defenitivly NOT the immigrants
and talk high air like you are surving next to hitler

fucking rediclous people

they should see themself

gast30 09.30.2012 04:52 PM

there is only 1 sapian specie
you can read it
see it in your dna

dna speaks for itself

dna is not made by humans

it was there before humans could walk

rocky 10.06.2012 01:06 PM

gast!! i haven't been here for a bit. i am glad you're here still. everyone else too :)

i put your current post number into wikipedia and it came up with many interesting articles. maybe not all of them but many.

gast30 10.06.2012 01:14 PM

hi rocky
took 35 second and 53 nanoseconds to remember you
cool that you are back :)

thanks for the article

they found a new black hole in the milkyway

if it close enough we might all dissapear into another milkyway

i take all the good music, art and computergames with me to that other milkyway ;)

floatingslowly 10.06.2012 01:35 PM

Threads are like magic lamps, it's often hard to tell, from the outside, how large they might be, inside.

Timespace bend

gast30 10.06.2012 01:37 PM

we need to feed this thread
for this autum
for this winter

i guess it is your turn flowty to post ... a pic of your wify lol

gast30 10.06.2012 01:40 PM

long autum long winter
long weekend

so cool girls would be exellent
because of the stock shortage

we have to imagine them :(

imagining is good training for artist :)

gast30 10.06.2012 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Threads are like magic lamps, it's often hard to tell, from the outside, how large they might be, inside.

Timespace bend

would like to talk with you more about that
but then not online
you know
in real life

it is also wierd to look at the human
take caution

the more people talk
the more clear things become

gast30 10.06.2012 01:57 PM

i very PRO for talking

tell me how you see things
tell me what your thoughts are

Rob Instigator 10.07.2012 11:35 AM

The world is no more fucked than it has ever been. What exists now is a way for everyone to find out about all the fucked up shit. It is the first step to creating a new worldwide culture at holds everyone accountable for the fucked up shit they do. This "new world order" is what the status quo wants to demonize and fight against. Fuck them. They gain power and money by keeping things exactly as they are.

gast30 10.07.2012 12:39 PM

by keeping things exacly as they are they are trapped in their own lies
and living of on the peace of the population
the pasive population

they should be thankfull for a peacefull population
in reality they are not and take abuse of the peace that is develloped
and LIE and LIE how much THEY care about them
their only interest is equal to a child that has interest in toys
they have no devellopment

a few days ago i seen a rich woman who have had a visit of people that make jewelery for pets

for a little dog she bought a necklase of 150.000$

rich people are really GU GU GA GA

i seen the hero's of 9-11
people who helped to save other peoples lives after the attacks on the twin towers

and i see them beg for money for their medical bills
this was from the burning buildings, the pollution that was fly'ing in the air

and i see them die in hospitalbeds

hero's who are die'ing
hero's who are asking for help
asking for papers from doctors to prove them rite
that they were sick from the 9-11 attacks

and the doctors refuse to help them
refuse to see them as victims of the pollution of the 9-11 attacks

people give their pets a necklace of 150.000$
and a hero has to die like waste

what the fuck is this for a world?

the basic problem is the finacial world is it now a tool of psychopats
who danger the population

in a normal world the responsibility of the financial world, banks and related insitutions, is to make sure everyone has money
that the money is spread everywhere

money for agriculture
money for education, modern technology, devellopment
money for arts, music, film, theatre
money for space exploration
money for housing, energy, cleaner green technology

so we can move on with the future
and make a better future ready for the next generation

gast30 10.07.2012 12:45 PM

they try to kill hero's
because they are afraid that the people would look up at them
and start to question things

that they would start to ask for transparency in the financial world
and stop the bonusses they give themself
and stop the HIGH income politicians have and all their tax free worlds where they live in

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