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Inhuman 05.21.2012 01:09 AM

Montreal Riots
It's getting pretty heated in Montreal. We just had a bylaw introduced preventing the assembly of 50 people or more to try to discourage the students protesting tuition. I just got back from the protest not long ago since I wanted to see what it was all about. Suddenly saw riot police charge, heard a bang from deterrent, a storefront window smash, and then lost my girlfriend while running in the course of a few seconds. SPVM straight up hit and ran someone:

I'm interested in hearing what treats Anonymous have regarding this and how much further the protests will go...

gast30 05.21.2012 02:21 AM

i was again in this pushing idea's forward in my head by people 'who have some power control desize', you know people who are extreemly in control
like i read on facebook, some study of pschopats

let's talk normal
to begin with
in stead of copy'ing unnormal behaviour of others

begin with that

gast30 05.21.2012 02:25 AM

why is this system making school un-future?

people can devellop learn more and be prepared is future

instead of a runaway from past into 'choas' (the word)
wich then be used by others to push their 'imaginated truth' in

gast30 05.21.2012 02:29 AM

and why this automatic system of see'ing poor people in groups
so it's easy to oppres then with highering school money

everywhere in the world this trend is taking place
also here in belgium
wich should be an example for europe

here in belgium the people that workk for the goverment have their childeren pre-planned to go to expensiveschools with low cost only for their childeren

'only for their childeren'
what is child an experiment?

what it's going to think when it's grow up?

gast30 05.21.2012 02:31 AM

i don't stand for violence in protests
and i don't stand for waiting till the poor peoples childeren are dead

so it's has to be a fast forward agenda on the politics to deal and clear this

i don't see no other normal way out

gast30 05.21.2012 02:36 AM

i don't know who Anonymous is
this is what i think and see

gast30 05.21.2012 02:51 AM

going to surf the internet
and have a relaxed day

always think
first calm down

before you are in a situation you don't like for yourself

will see what it will be for next schoolyear

summer and vacation is first on it's way

good bye

gast30 05.21.2012 03:42 AM

have seen something on cnn
about a project to give free education online for everyone

also something to go look into

Inhuman 05.21.2012 09:05 AM

Many are students protesting, but many like myself were out there since the new law they passed, Bill78 infringes on anyones - not just these protesters - right to assemble.

I understand how debate is open about the controversy in raising tuition 80% when the economy is at a decline, though is removing the rights to assemble really a solution to the problem?

gast30 05.21.2012 09:20 AM

they don't need to get the student out on the street
the adults who are so called more experienced, more learned
should take care of it

they should now from where this high price to go to school comes from
that is the piont you student protest, if i'm correct

the people of the system of school should balance the price
get things in order/balance
they need to do the talks

or they have to wait till students
some one comes with the idea
that is good for everyone

then the protest is over

heard this many times in the political talk
that this money thing is going to ba a fault of adults who the push it to the childeren
that it's their future problem
while they have nothing to do with it
and didn't even lived in those days

gast30 05.21.2012 09:21 AM

financial experts should take care of this
then it's over in a few weeks

tesla69 05.22.2012 07:51 AM

tyranny is taking over...just walk in lockstep and you'll be safe, maybe

On Friday, May 18, the Québec legislature signed a special “emergency law” to “restore order” in the province following three months of student protests in a strike against the government’s proposed 80% increase in the cost of tuition. A legislative debate lasted all night and resulted in a vote of 68-48 in favour of the legislation.
The legislation has three main focal points: (1) it “suspends” the school semester for schools majorly affected by the strike, (2) it establishes extremely high fines for anyone who attempts to picket or block access to schools, and (3) it imposes massive restrictions on where and how people may demonstrate and protest in the streets.

So this is where we’ve come to now: the government of Quebec has decided that instead of compromising on its tuition hikes – something it has stated from the beginning that it was unwilling to even consider – and instead of negotiating in good faith with the students, as all the negotiations have been farces thus far, it will instead “crack down” on the students of Quebec, implementing the “worst law” since the War Measures Act of 1970, which was a declaration of martial law.

EVOLghost 05.22.2012 08:08 AM

That's such a crazy increase. 80%!!!!!!!! wow.

Just curious, what is the average amont one pays(per year) for a public/private university?

Keeping It Simple 05.23.2012 08:28 AM

It's like the student protests over university fees we had in the UK, last year.

startur 05.23.2012 10:49 PM

Ghostchase 05.25.2012 12:50 PM

Montreal tuitions are the lowest in the country.

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