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screamingskull 10.27.2006 05:21 PM

Near Death Experiences
any of you ever have any near death experiences?

Savage Clone 10.27.2006 05:36 PM

I played guitar for a guy who was clinically dead and then was in a coma for 6 weeks a few years back. He's a good guy and has always been quite eccentric, so this experience definitely added to his whole mystique. He remembers talking to his dead father and a whole bunch of other visions from when he was "out." It's pretty interesting to hear him talk about it. He was pretty wrecked from the coma; he had to go through all kinds of physical therapy to be able to even walk, let alone play keyboards (he is an extremely proficient player). Plus, his family had pretty much assumed he was going to die and had already started giving his things away and everything. He had to move to a new house the day fter he got out of the hospital because they sold the one he was living in!

screamingskull 10.27.2006 05:45 PM


i haven't had any myself, but my friend Vicky has almost died 4 times!. She's overdosed twice, slit her wrists and stabed herself in the stomach. She cant drink alcohol anymore because she wrecked her liver, its a real shame.

Tokolosh 10.27.2006 05:50 PM

I once played glassy glassy, and I can swear, that I was somewhere else for about an hour. When I came round, all my friends were standing around, looking at me as if I was crazy.

Kallisti23chaos 10.27.2006 05:57 PM

**Several. Waking up in a different place at a different time is quite interesting.*

jon boy 10.27.2006 06:22 PM

nearly hit by a car once. literally a few cm's from it and it was going fast and surely would have seriously fucked me up if not killed me. i think thats the closest i ever came.

HaydenAsche 10.27.2006 06:32 PM

I had to go to the hospital for an od once but it wasn't really that close to death.

screamingskull 10.28.2006 06:16 AM

how did you manage to OD, was it accidental?

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