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pao-lino 04.09.2006 06:49 AM

bye bye berlusconi?
ok, since (as usual) berlusconi infests anything, also a black dice thread (!), here's the proper one..

today and tomorrow elections here in italy.
I want the dwarf out of italy if not in jail.
I'm tired of this fuckin concept "a nation is a factory"... compare it to arbeit macht frei....
I'm sick of his insults towards us, the wishful-opponents, and to international leaders.
I'm disgusted of having the richest person in italy ruling italy.
I can't believe a condemned person for corruption (of course, the judgment went on prescription) still has this massive power.
I cant believe a politician can build his campaign feeding the fear of communism, saying extremely ignorant 50's-like ideas and worries about left-winged people compared to "chinese kids-boilers"....

let the dwarf pack all his millions and let's kick hi ass out of our government.

good luck, I'm optimistic not cos I trust in prodi that much, but just cos I would not survive five more years with this people again.
rather than a dictature, trust me, we have put mafia (but the real big one!not the small family clan ones...) at the government.

next step 04.09.2006 07:19 AM

out the dwarf with the sewn head

se avete bisogno di ulteriori conferme riguardo quale partito siete + vicini, qui un test:

Soundtrax 04.09.2006 07:42 AM

i fucking hate berlusconi too, i think everybody on this forum does, cuz i guess this forum is mostly left wing... i hope prodi wins ;) vote, dude, vote :) it would be the first hope of left wing governments coming back on scene around the world after bush made a chain reaction of right wing government all over the world. :)

pao-lino 04.09.2006 08:02 AM

haha, now my doubt on voting Rifondazione comunista disappeared....

8=======================D 04.09.2006 09:36 AM

com'n vote against bisluscus. he and his crew must go home or better in jail.

next step 04.09.2006 10:40 AM

Homen nomen as Luttazzi said

Berlusconi = bis luscus = double shady

next step 04.09.2006 12:45 PM

if you live outside italy I would be agree with your non vote but here in the boot I really felt to give my votes against him. I'm dont feel myself represented in any side, though.

pao-lino 04.09.2006 02:46 PM

I see you point, porkmarras.
but I agree with nextstep: first thing, kick berlusconi out.
I'm quite sure an hypotetical prodi's government would last only few months, but at least voting against berlusconi is expressing an anti-billionaire-racket position

weird and modern at the same time, we arrived at the conclusion that is more convenient to vote against someone "tappandosi il naso(...indro...)" than risking to vote someone you like...

o o o 04.09.2006 03:12 PM

is it true that Berlusconi said that the people who will not vote for him are 'coglioni'? (i can translate in french, but at the moment i cannot find the right word in english)
it seems like a strange tactic to win votes...

pao-lino 04.09.2006 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by o o o
is it true that Berlusconi said that the people who will not vote for me are 'coglioni'? (i can translate in french, but at the moment i cannot find the right word in english)
it seems like a strange tactic to win votes...

yes, it's true... those are the moments when the real goliardic, rude, evil, arrogant president of the conseuil comes out.
he didn't win or lost votes (left side already hated him, right said think it like him)the "I-don't-know-who-to-vote-for"people are used to thise things
it happened many times he said unproper things:
he said to schulz he could act in a movie making the part of an SS general.
he said chinese people used to boil and eat babies
he says of his opponents they are of the worst extremist race of communists
he said italian concentration camps in the end were holiday places
he said islam people are less modern then inferior than us the strong of the world
he says bush calls him by phone to ask his opinion about US internal and foreing politics
and many other things---but not said in confidence in an hotel room, but at international meetings, in the parliament etc.

he called "us" coglioni, that means "testicles, stupid", in a sentence that sounded like:
who wants an italy different from the one we want is a masochist. un coglione.

o o o 04.09.2006 03:36 PM

i imagine 'coglione' is the equivalent of 'couillon' in french... i just looked in a dictionary and they proposed dickhead as a translation of 'couillon', but yes, 'cunt' sounds about right...

next step 04.10.2006 02:41 AM

I have not chosen for the minor malus that could be even right. I voted against Berlusconi cause I saw a sort of new kind of dictation, different from the last italian one but not so distant then.It's psyche oriented and even Bush's government does the same, just catch how they manage the terrorism to control more easily the population.who does terrorism? who puts bombs or who built the image? I think both.
The guilt is certainly and dramaticly of the people who voted him but I give alot of responsibility to the media, especially television, where you could think to know something but it's not so. I shut down television some years ago, maybe as a form of protest, perhaps to defend my brain!

next step 04.10.2006 03:37 AM

what we know thru television? the pants color of Franzoni?
I think italians now say ev-er-y-things about this case but she isnt in jail yet.
why not a referendum about that?

Iain 04.11.2006 03:58 AM's a close one. Prodi is claiming victory but it's not cut and dry..outcome of the senate vote is still not clear though...Really hope Berlusconi goes.

jon boy 04.11.2006 04:15 AM

i think he will. its closer than many expected, myself included but i really hope they get this corrupt cartoon character of a man outta office.

sonicl 04.11.2006 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
I quite simply do'nt vote.My voting isn't certainly the indication of an apathetic person but on the contrary my non voting is very much political.I do'nt believe that what we call State is a structure that in fact looks after the working classes at all!I'd be the first one to fill in that voting form if i thought that Prodi had any genuine interest in emancipation of the working classes but he's left wing,that doesnt make him a communist at all.For that,and for more on the subject refer to the very person that provided my signature and Karl Marx and Engels and a few billions more inbetween.

When I've not voted because of dissatisfaction with the political process and the people I am supposed to want to represent me, I've always made a positive action of it by going to the polling booth and put my voting slip in the box with the word "abstention". I don't know whether that gets counted as an abstention or a spoiled paper, but I think that at least it distinguishes me from the apathetic millions.

next step 04.11.2006 04:19 AM

Prodi won at the Camera but 1/4 of the population voted expressly, directly for Berlusconi, worrying!
means that when I go out with 2 friends everyone I meet has voted for him!! dont know what to think....I want to migrate and then voting for Berlusconi!!

next step 04.11.2006 05:26 AM

Prodi won at Senato too. but after 30minutes Provenzano, bigger boss of mafia wanted since 1963, was arrested in the famous village called Corleone!! incredible!
this is not a random thing for me, I have no doubt it means he was in the Berlusconi's crew, but where I'm living???

jon boy 04.11.2006 09:58 AM

its funny how berlusconni is now wanting a full enquiry into the amount of votes etc. shame he didnt do that with all the banks and businesses that he was involved in and was taken to court over dodgy dealings.

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