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dietzer123 04.08.2006 09:29 AM

v for vendetta
who else has seen it? what'd you think? here are my thoughts. first of all, it was a wildly entertaining movie. deffinetly had me engrossed from start to finish and i really enjoyed it. it moved along at a nice pace and never let you get comfortable or bored. however, in terms of the political/philosophical stuff it was a little lack luster. there just simply wasn't much depth in there, watch it once and it's pretty much all lain out there for you. this was very blunt and obvious and the it still wasn't exactly the most intelligent social commentary. i liken this to the average political punk band. it gets your blood going and is very entertaining but when you really look at it, there's really not that much there. all in all though, a very good movie that i would deffinetly suggest seeing.

Alex's Trip 04.08.2006 11:00 AM

I actually thought it was really boring. I expected better from the wachowski brothers. But yeah, I was pretty bored after the first hour, and after that I didn't care what happened. There was a mildred pierce (the book or movie) thing in V's 'house' (or so says my dad, who saw it, not me). And why did V just happen to have his own little prison to keep natalie portman in?

krastian 04.08.2006 01:58 PM

I still haven't seen it. I thought it looked cool when I first heard about it, but I kind of lost interest.

Isoflurane 04.08.2006 02:00 PM

Lame movie.
It tries to get really fucking profound too quickly at the end.
Want to feel smart? Read a book.
Want to have a good time? Get a six-pack.

johnnywinternoshow 04.09.2006 06:26 PM

it was so so i thought, they just dressed up orwells 1984, stuck a mask on smith and changed the ending

Neongod 04.09.2006 07:09 PM

I just saw it today. Excellent flick.

dietzer123 04.09.2006 07:13 PM

i still think people should see it because it is a really entertaining action movie

ricechex 04.09.2006 07:15 PM

I enjoyed it. Good entertainment. But i did feel they tried to tie it to the current political climate too much. Most people would get the nod to 1984 early on, and instead they kept trying to hit all the various issues of the day, like gays being treated as pariahs etc, where they would segue to another little mini story within ended up trying to do too much, and lost some focus. But again, pretty enjoyable, if flawed, flick.

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