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cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.09.2011 05:16 PM

Lindsay Lohan Playboy spread has LEAKED! [nsfw]

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.09.2011 05:22 PM


evollove 12.09.2011 05:26 PM


cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.09.2011 05:34 PM

She reminds me of Britta[Gillian Jacobs] from Community in this pic

LifeDistortion 12.09.2011 07:06 PM

These are so meh and boring. I think trying to make them Marylin Monroe-esque was a bad decision. If Hugh Hefner considers Monroe to be the ideal sex icon why have Lindsay do such a similar shoot? Nobody can be Marylin Monroe. Certainly not Lindsay. Plus I've never really thought Lindsay looked good as a blonde. Its a very predictable shoot.

EVOLghost 12.09.2011 09:22 PM

Yeah...they look fake for some reason...

_slavo_ 12.10.2011 01:50 AM

She is insanely attractive and there is nothing wrong with these pictures.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.10.2011 03:55 AM

I'm a fan; especially of this set -

Lohan gets too much hate. Mean Girls and I Know Who Killed Me are 2 of my favorite films to come out in the past decade. Her first album, Speak, is also much more enjoyable than I'd have ever thought.

gast30 12.10.2011 09:09 AM

well the teens are having their anal fun
hope that they don't cry and start to look for love once they reached old age

marlin manroe pose bad idea????

it's all low IQ creativity
mainstream = low IQ population

sell sell sell

sell first anal
sell virginity
sell body
sell childeren

and the devil said: REPEAT

and the sapian population said: OK i insert my childeren to continue

gast30 12.10.2011 09:14 AM

and so after many penisis and vagina's later

it was 2011/12/10.......

and counting

you see.. the apes tought me to count
first there is 1 then there is 2 and then 3 ...

yeah the apes thought me alphabet too

I asked: Why do you teach me alphabet and numbers?

They said: One day in the future .... you can use it

gast30 12.10.2011 09:15 AM

i said to my teachers: WAUW one day in the future i can use it ))))))

nicfit 12.10.2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
marlin manroe pose bad idea????


terminal pharmacy 12.10.2011 03:50 PM

she is hot


gast30 12.10.2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit

this is better
lindsay lohan has a more male looking figur euwwhh bleuuwhh
and you can see on her skin that she is a bit 'wasted'
bad idea playboy bad idea

terminal pharmacy 12.10.2011 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
this is better
lindsay lohan has a more male looking figur euwwhh bleuuwhh
and you can see on her skin that she is a bit 'wasted'
bad idea playboy bad idea

very very male figure


gast30 12.10.2011 05:37 PM

i was talking about some parts of the body, some curves

Pelle 12.10.2011 09:01 PM

Guess I'd tap that

gast30 12.10.2011 09:23 PM

enough time and engery wasted on woman
time to continue my world domination (ha ha haa < evil laugh)

gast30 12.11.2011 09:10 AM

1. she is short
2. she has male kinda arms
3. she is a bit in boose'n & drugs and has a wasted skin
4. her body is a bit fat so you don't have a good shape of the body that shows all muscles, no clear bodyline

i believe she is giong to jail after tha photoshoot
jailbirding baby

!@#$%! 12.11.2011 11:14 AM

@lifedistortion, halfeatencake, etc: picky, picky, picky...

@nefeli: YES. freckles rule.


Originally Posted by gast30
1. she is short
2. she has male kinda arms
3. she is a bit in boose'n & drugs and has a wasted skin
4. her body is a bit fat so you don't have a good shape of the body that shows all muscles, no clear bodyline

i believe she is giong to jail after tha photoshoot
jailbirding baby


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