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a little insight into the world of GOLDEN CHILD
on a different board i frequent, the question was asked "where do you work"
what i thought would be a short answer turned out to be a fucking essay, i didnt really mean to do this but it just came so natural and was quite fun i must say, i held back a couple times from rambling even more. i never used the enter key but there is some puncuation, so sorry if its hard to read. i really need to write more, even though im no insert literary mogal here i enjoy it, it atleast an hour, not really sure but it went by quick. helped me realize my life really is very exciting. if you dont wanna read it, i understand... i just feel compelled to share my hardwork, and isnt the internet all about getting to know people? what a previous poster said.... Quote:
i work in the routing dept at the local school district transportation dept. while you are "downstairs" and in the garage, think of me fucking around on the internet "upstairs" and getting paid for it while spending 10% of my time acually writing code but still getting done what they want me to do. i love my job, thing i hear the most? "please see your field cordinator" i also just started at the local elementry school doing network administration and general maintenence of their computer systems. go in every friday for a few hours and fix whatever a bunch of kindergardeners broke over the week. the school district now has me in the system, they love hiring students because they pay me minimum wage for tasks that i could get twice as much off of if i was out of college and a real "person". so they have me in transportation, at the elementry school, at my high school i am in the computer tech class which is fixing their shit and the only payment i get for THAT is half a credit. although through that class ive gotten all these bitchin ass jobs, sometimes some freelance that my teacher finds for me. next summer i think i might be working in the technology dept, not really sure. thats just what everyone tells me but i think there is a limit to how much a student can legally work for the district. i made big bucks over the summer, or atleast big for a 16 yr old. now im working shit hours, two everyday and i have to bike 10 miles everyday. id MUCH rather work 4 hours every other day, or no fuck that... i just hate consistantsy, i loved getting a different scheduale every week at subway. my office acually really blows, the only good thing is best buy accross the street. i can play guitar hero during lunch... oh thats another sad thing, since i work after school now i dont have any breaks. no more 2 hour lunch breaks for me ![]() one person always calls evan (the name of the kid who had my position before me, she is jewish i think and whenever she hears my real name (ben-david) she tells me how jewish it is and about her childrens jewish names and how one of her sons is __________ ben abraham because his father wasnt of the faith so they named him ben abraham (son of abraham). i tell her i am not jewish but i was named after a friend of my dads who was. she is the big bus router (normal kids), the small bus router (retards) is deaf and has hearing aids and talks with a rather irriaiting lisp apparently its from years of playing music and is a good guitarist with some band. he says he wishes he had a guitar by his computer so he could relieve his stress. my boss is asian, he is a fucken weirdo. he always tells me about "the good ole days" when an error in the jumpers would erase the whole hard drive, and the whole history of RAID 5, along with his fond memories of his first 1 GB HD, he has some plan to become rich... he is starting a commerce server that sells some shit, he is single but talks about his previous girlfriends but i am not sure if he has one now. i acually dont know what nationality he is, the first day of work he took me out to chinese and he told me a japanese joke, but it was in favor of the japs dissing on americans so i am not sure, korean maybe? we have alot of asians here and i can usually tell, i only know one vietnamese... they are rare. he studders alot, like he cant think of a word, but the word is like "hard drive" or something like that. kevin just writes excel macros all day, some pretty cool stuff that i avoid... hate VBA. he acually is a bus driver that broke his back and filled workmans comp, so since he cant drive they are milking his mad excel skills but they told him they will pay 100% of his medical bills if he quits, since back problems are usually reoccuring so i think he is about to start up a buisness, or restart one he ran years ago. one of them gives me candy everyday, its kinda creepy but i eat it anyway. our coffee sucks ass, almost everything is decaf, i usually have to make my own because whats in the pot you cant really tell until its to late. pretty shitty maker too, one of those ones with two pots and they use the tap water from the kitchen too which is fucking gross. the water fountain is ok, but not much better. the secretary is kinda weird, i could totally see her having a cliche hollywood affair with the boss (not the asian one, the BIG boss) its always awkward around her, she is like "hey i heard someone grinding some beans" and then she tastes my coffee and pours it out and while she is making a new pot tries to converse... "hey you like coffee?", "thats cool, i love coffee". big boss, he is total OCD. all about respect and all that shit, which is cool i guess. gets mad at me when i fix around or replace his computer and all his desk ornamints arent exactly where he left them but concludes with "i am not mad at you". there is this other dude, he is pretty high up, i dont really know what he does. he was sick the first month i was working there which is when i was getting to know people. he has a huge belly, like he isnt fat anywhere else, except his stomach hangs over his belt like to other and he walks funny. some other girl, she is like 45 but told us of some time she got drunk and took off her clothes. carl is trainer and he recently was in the newspaper saying he wouldnt give up his job for anything in the world. haha. susan looks like a cute, stalky, short older women but she rides a motorcycle and has a badass looking husband who rides one too. there is this one driver who calls me shaggy all the time, i dont even think he knows my name, and i dont know his either. when i started i had pretty shaggy hair, ive since had it trimmed. once in awhile while i am biking to work after school ill cross paths with his bus and he will yell "shaggy" out the window. there was this dude named TG, totally stereotypical office trash but he went over to some other district transportation program. he had the goofy laugh, looked like he came straight out of office space, made jokes about soccer during the world cup, talking about pcs and macs. the payroll specialist is sorta normal, she has a few children and now her husband has some sort of eye tumour and she has to inject something into his eye like everyday. |
today was hat day, boy golly am i glad i didnt go to work today, some of these people are really fucked up with work spirit. we have potlucks sometimes, last one we had was dry run day, when the drivers go on a dry run before the school starts. we have to fucking PAY for the goddamned thing, something like 3 bucks for all you can eat hotdogs. i turned around and went right back to my desk because i forgot about the potluck and brought my own food anyway, susan the fucking hardcore biker chick who is really sweet and kind felt really bad and gave me 3 dollars (i didnt have any money, but wouldnt have paid if i did) i tried to convince her i didnt want it and was VERY satisfied with my leftover lasagna but she forced me so i complied (nothing like free food) i told her id pay her back, and as i write this i remember that i have failed to do that. oops? i didnt really mean to write a fucking book about where i work, i meant just to comment about how i work in the transportation system too... all this sorta flowed and i cant really stop, its entertaining... and i thought i had a boring life. edulog? do you guys use edulog? i fucking hate that program, really powerful i guess, but pretty difficult to use. esspecially when my boss is so goddamn vague, he sends me an email saying "change the walk zone boundry for liberty elementry" and i think wtf, ive never used this program, whats a border? change it to what, and i ask him about it and he goes, oh just open up maris and change it. ive since learned to get by with it, but still... terrible. he asked me to go through kevins excel code to see which sql server he pulls some bus information... and im thinking DUDE, just ask him. he works here everyday but is usually gone before i get there, but a few days ago he was working a little late and i asked him and he told me "tran.routes.bus_number", and then showed me how is program gets the info. i mean that took like 5 minutes, and i spent 3 days going through his VBA trying to figure this out (maybe a little slacking in there) and it turns out he doesnt even get it from the same spreadsheet as my boss told me. my boss is a terrible driver too, sometimes we have to visit some district honchos and take stuff to storage and boy does that guy love the brake pedal. most of my releases come from material at work, i was thinking it would be cool to have a release that was done entirely at work, packaging made there and recorded there but they dont have any kind of cases (i hate homemade construction paper cdrs) and they dont have cdrs. at school we do though, so maybe that will count? there is one girl named juanita, we have a huge mexican population in salem and she is like the only person who can speak it in the office. she has a slow ass computer, jesus christ. i think she may have a new one, alot of the field corrdinators and computer fucking illiterate, like yeah press "OK" after you stick in a USB drive and it says "would you like to install?", or why isnt my palm syncing? probaly because "PalmSync" isnt running? or Groupwise, alot of complaits about Groupwise... we even have a fucking class on how to use Groupwise. I dont really use it, i just check emails with it and other people run their LIVES around groupwise. calenders, syncing with outlook (just be thankful you have groupwise, dont complain and whine about how you wanna use outlook) people go into other peoples groupwise to check their calenders and appointments and tasks. when a computer program runs your life somethings wrong (although firefox has a place in my heart) one woman calls me "little computer geek", dont think she knows my name either, she is a little hyper too, funky laugh and the works. the only problem is no color printer in the place, and hardly any ink all just toner which is why ill be outsourcing most of my production elsewhere, except for flyers and general photocopied goods. i love that copy machine, it is my best friend. free shipping materials too. i used to pack all my packages there and take them to post at lunch, now school is in the way and i have to do it at home and take them on my way to work, which is a bitch because i go to work right after school, so sometimes i am taking packaged lps, several small packages and such to school which is ok sometimes but other times not ok. i was kinda worried when i started using the copy machine regularly, you have to enter a code and i was using someone elses code who told it to me when i acually needed and i thought it was to track usuage, but it isnt. a code is a just a security feature that comes with the machine, and instead of making one code for all, we must get the last for digits of our SS and enter it everytime to make a copy. so i was sorta worried doing 30 copies of covers and catalouge inserts here and there until my boss asked me to do 500 copies of some shit, legitimently. im sure its possible for our copier to track, but we sure as hell dont use that feature. need to find a good place to make really nice color laser prints, kinkos is .89 cents each. 100=$89!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
printers are the worst thing at work, boss freaks when toner goes low. even though it hasnt been replaced in months, and at the start of the school year we are printing thousands of shits a day. because each cart costs like 100 bucks and our budget is 5000 dollars i think (for routing only) transportation budget got cut by like 200,000 dollars this year so they are REALLY strict about overtime. for me that have 10 hours a week in their budget, no more... its tough making due, since i was working 40 hours a week over the summer. i dont really have time for more work anyway, with school, homework, noise etc. but i think could find somewhere else where i work equal amount of hours but less days, and closer to home, biking is fun and all but sometimes its a hassle, sure its healthy (fought back that baby fat finally, or atleast my mom told me its baby fat...) but sometimes its just inconvienent.like today, i didnt work there today, i worked at the elementry school but after that i had to bike just to get my paycheck, oh yeah and fuck government institution they all are lazy bastards. the dmv closes at 5:30, when most people are just off work and closes at like 12:00 on saturdays when everyone is off work and its the busiest day of the week. same with the bank, the payroll dept of the school dist etc etc etc. so since i got paid today i am getting a creative zen vision:m from walmart (i know its cool to hate walmart, but i shopped around and they are cheapest) since my cd player finally kicked the can, ripping some tapes n junk now. waiting for my friend to comeover, he said he was on his way like 2 hours ago. his parents are out of town and told him he couldnt stay home tonight and had to go somewhere so he called me from downtown (about 7 miles away) and told me he was coming but had to find a ride somewhere, didnt have a bike, i think the buses still come, and even though its only 7 miles it quite a long walk (2hrs?) jeez i am getting off topic, back to my office... i think thats about it, our janitors pretty kickass. he takes the garabage everyday and cleans the bathrooms, he seems like a total old weirdo with a hunched back and the hole deal but then i see him smoking outside like the badass he is. i just had a long stream of thought, and now its dry. i guess i just work at a stereotypical office in suburbian small town america (130,000... maybe more like medium town?) i have a greater love for the office, english version is great but i like the american one best because it has jokes i get and some things that might only happen in america. i defiantly feel a stronger bond with dilbert though... my favorite being the bowels of beauracracy. ive almost steered off into other topics, like my school and city but this is pretty long, i just feel like i need to let loose. its fun, and i am waiting for my friend. usually the internet is pretty boring, takes like 5 min to read all the good topics. |
Unfortunately, it isn't. It's more about acting "too cool for school." Most people have the fear that if they actually wrote anything with substance, that they would be found out for the numbskull that they are; people wear neurotic masks in life, and they do on the internet as well. I understand that some people won't read my longer posts, and never had the illusion that they would. |
i am liking you more and more by the minute.
long, but interesting read. overall, my 11 minutes were not wasted.
i know what you are talking about (sorry i didn't read it when you first posted it, it's just that i've been super crabby this weekend); in order to graduate from college, some schools here in mexico make you do "social service" which is basically working like 400 hours, preferrably to something for the community, for free to gain experience and prove you not only did study but also are doing. at first, i got an office bitch internship (salary=$100 usd aprox. a month, my one and only paycheck came at the exorbitant sum of $16.20 usd aprox) at a psychology school, a position which was to become marketing consultant/editor of an internal newsletter but i got fired because the big bosses (all a family of nutcases) didn't like me and used a supposed dress code as an excuse, even though i had asked them if i needed a certain way of dressing to be there and they had told me it was cool. i lasted a week.
my college usually pushes people to do their social services at campus, without any payment, i've heard some horror stories about people never ending their social services and people threatening of not signing the papers in order to stay there the longest without salary or anything, my situation wasn't like that, i ended up doing just three months, 3 hours a day. again, i was office bitch but my coordinator was very cool, she'd send me to the copy machine and you had to enter a code (that's the part of your story that reminded me of this). ohh and color photocopies for cds=expensive and crappy (laser copiers never get the color right and you need multiple tests to aproximate what you want) , you can get real prints for pretty much the same or maybe even less depending on the place and volume, plus they tend to use better quality materials. |
Yeah, id say tht was a pretty interesting read.
It kind of makes me want a job, it kind of doesnt..im up really early. its weird. |
golden child is one of the persons on this board that I admire the most.
GREAT musician and GREAT writer. Keep it up buddy. |
I like him.
I even had a weird dream with golden child some month ago, now that we're talking about him.
I dreamt I was in a pub and he came along with some of my friends, they sat to me and we spent whole evening throwing money into jukebox and talking about music equipment. |
y'all can stop sucking my dick now.
You don't like it?
there was nothing sexual in that dream, Golden Child.
i got fired today, haha
that blows.
meh, it came as a surprise and i was def. shocked, and thought their reason was pretty ridiculous but i was thinking about quitting anyway. now i wish id made a bigger scene, more swearing and thought provoking comments would have been nice, thought of some good ones while waiting for my dad to pick me up.
whatever, ill find a job this week. |
wait why did you get fired?
same thing happened to me when they fired me from social service, i was shocked and surprised as shit and at first just walked out of there, then afterwards i was like i should've gone to the bosses and shouted "YOU ARE INSANE YOU FUCKING NUTJOBS!!! SUCK MY DICK!!!", then i thought "i got fired from social service" and laughed my ass off; i laughed for a whole week. |
because on friday i couldnt make it to work, it was kind of a last minute thing that came up so i emailed my boss from school. he told me this is a workplace and not a place to come when its convienent and he had to let me go. i asked him if my mother had died and i just emailed him saying i couldnt come he still would have fired me for "poor communication"
all i gotta say is it sure as hell wasnt convienent for me to bike 10 miles, get paid minimum wage and only be allowed to work 2 hours a day. (that being one of the witty comebacks i wish i would have thought of earlier) |
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