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what are your vieuws?
ok i see here in europe a bad devellopment maybe this is not new an animal, sapian is easly confused so there are 875 million sapians walking in europe around from the days of the early sapians who came to europe from the place that is called now turkey somewhere there was a woman they named the woman europe because that woman has the largest spread genes in europe that means the biggest number of dna came from that woman that started to live in caves, make drawings, do things with stones > stone hendge, the people started to believe in religion thousands of churches were built many wars started since the land animal sapian, had no more foor to eat as a hunter it eat wild meat that was plenty there in that time terrotorial bounderies where set, like castel walls borders of a country and during time the sapians started to speak different languages some tool develeopment started an exploration for the world started people left europe because of religion and politics european > go to america to start something new the animal failed again and started war with the indian population then they slaved black people from africa and so the sickness started ~powerconstructions~ some sapians said they were the roules of a terretory then forced their animal title on the other sapians the brainwashed the animals that they were kings kings or queens who then need to be listened to or else the sapians were trown to jail or just be killed by the soldiers, survents of the king and so the power terror started and the sapian animal was no loner a free animal no more free access to water and food like 4.5 billion sapians today in this sapian time 2011 then ofcourse you had many wars and genocides in europe power fights WWI & WWII genocides in jouguslavia and humantraffic, mass rapes of woman in prostitution, sex traffic of childeren, sexual abuse of animals and all kinds of other animal cruelty ^^ done by european sapians the european sapians had done some resistance to this slavery powerterror in some countries the politics like democraty came they fighted first agains the domination by royal families and religion the medieval terror powers and now today the european sapian has for example GAY PARADES what i'm think of is that this european sapian had a very strange yesterday of these powerstructures and only for financial reasons the medieval powerstructures (royal families, church /pope) are still existing for banana paper because when you have a lot of bananapaper ($ or euro) that is also a lot of power it practice on a sapian animal* *remeber it's an animal that has no free access to water and food/sleepplace ^^ see the green world as it is , the sapians still has animal eyes what is an animal and has eyes, it's called animal eyes now what do your animals eyes see if you look a bit better to subliminal brain food that is slowly poising the sapian brain like these school in the netherlands there they have whiteschool and colourd schools sort of like apartheid in africa so they are now also making more borders for poor families, colord or white, gipsy's if you have no money, you simply can buy a diploma of university 1. no free access for the animal to water and food sleep place 2. no bananapaper no access to moderninformation, no access to higher schools like university, wich is created by the best geniuses of sapian kind > the pioneers 3. the pioneers who opend the moderninformation surely didn't opened it for medieval powerstructures or the abuse of moderninformation that said last year there was here nearby a neo nazi concert like sick people who like phedofiles and death and abuse and tortures many european got brainwashed into religious hate, like islamaphobia was created there is still gayhate brainwash colored people hate ect. so actually if you read this from there in america online on the internet you still can see that i now at 34 years am still living in a strange sapian landscape europe had, have also good people like europes artworld and pioneerworld europe also works together with nasa so i just wanted to say that things in europe also need some time to have more modern europeans who will have free access to water and food/sleepplace, and free access to modern information it's a challenge for the hole world population to leave the past and turn modern when they use the internet there we can learn to live together world wide without borders a world without borders to get clean with the wrongs of the past and see the sapian as a world animal in dna we are all family we have no enemy the sapian needs to work together world wide to turn modern to make the good future work for all of the sapian kind having animal background is not easy to live in a world wide functioning group the standard animal group is formed by groups of sapians according to terretory and food that is available in that terretory like groups of chimpanses in the forest now if the chimpansees lived world wide they still live according to this small groups now the sapians have discoverd other planets where they are going to 2030 mars mission hope the sapian specie learns to leave the past and live modern in a world wide group so when sapians are on mars that they don't copy the past and the animal nightmare starts all over again with wars and hate, overpopulation and habitat destruction by pollution ect.. that how i see it from here in europe i'm already modern human and believe that modern information is the key in worldwide living together and at the same time making the better with a green movement and leaving the past for the mess that it is so the childeren who are the future and gonna live on earth or other planets have a fun life on the planet, you only live once so don't eny the childeren a better future like everyone him or herself wants a better future to live 80 years in it stays a long earth yourney, some people get 100 years old i'm doing my best for a better future and the use of moderninformation to make the future better i'll be dead over some time and wish the sapian population world wide a great future for those who's animal eyes can't see that well anymore by all these things of the past and these medieval powerstructures this song by fishbone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W90jR6NU9P8 |
gayparades are crumbs trown to the head of sapains to make them think they live in a freeword
crumbs from the 1% rich who always surivive with their mass amounts of bananpaper wich make the other 4.5 bilion human live in hunger if the american stands for death before slavery then the modern human stands for death before information pollution keep your crumbs and your financial terror and your medieval powerstructure and your lawschools/universitys who will always speak the law for those who have created it the future can't afford no more of this terrorising past that seems to be selfcreated destruction for a sensitive animal the brain of the modern sapian can't afford information pollution a modern sapian = a brain free from information pollution the modern human can't have no program to follow life existed out of the universe the universe > meteorites , bacteria, earth > animals = fish, whale, crocodile, frog, bird, giraf, elephant, apes > homo sapians and also plants, trees, fruits, vegtables life has no program what to do an animal has nothing to do in the universe it's absolutly free outside of the need for water and food the origin of life that is sort of seen as a paradise the love of life the sapian did destroy and damaged a large part of that paradise and it's own kind i find that the modern sapians needs to get itself ( it's brainmachine) free from information pollution and use the modern information at it's best of understanding of it inside it's brainmachine to get back to it's original track where the sapian is a free animal that has no program modernhuman = no information pollution it's all in the freethoughts of sapians in the free thinking mind of an animal a modern human can only grow inside of a brainmachine that has no information pollution it's grows and modernises inside it's brainmachine the capacity of understanding life trough modern informations manifest there and can grow only there in the animal lifeform in the 80 to 100 years of lifetime because an animal has modern information doesn't mean that the universe has changed everthing stays like it is the modernhuman is just a vieuwer , reader of what it sees and understands to relocate the evolution of 4 billion years of animallife development so a sapian took 4 billion years to create that animal and the sapian only lives to 100 years this is what the animal know today the animal that was curious about life the animal that look around and started to think 'what is this life? where am i living? it's that animal that know now all the answers thanks to modern information no need to be afraid of modern information it's only reflects on what the animal is and where it lives in the universe modern information is there for a better future inside the sapian animal group |
all sapians DNA come from mid africa somewhere
if you can understand that that is a good start in rewinding the real movie of hisory and cut and paste your 24 h modern human in the right order of time there were also other discoveries done of sapian fossiles ans so on life is no movie we are just animals that have created camera's evolution stays like it is you can film your life 24H after 24h it can be fossilezed on digital information that can the modernhumans do to all 7 billion sapians living 24h after 24h in the same planet that is the reality of earth it's still an animal / evolution and evolution has no program or scriptbook on what animals should do that what never existed can't simply exist if an animal creates a fiction to live in it will be it's own brainmachine and own life that will live in that fiction the animal created on what the animal should do in his/her animal life of 80 to 100 years |
recent online information found
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/...rticle2219056/ the countries still don't respect gay rights and human right we have no time to fight a lowbrain system of the past we modern humans are already in the future on 2030 we are on the mission to mars |
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