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Rob Instigator 08.02.2006 09:38 AM

VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOTBALL HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is it! Tomorrow I leave on what promises to be a very fantastic road trip to visit Football Heaven! I am so pumped up for this it is hard to be at work. I want to tell these fuckers to go eat shit and leave me alone cuz i am going to football heaven!
I will be taking lots of pictures and having a blast and loving my hotel. i love hotels. I love road trips. I love FOOTBALL, I miss the Oilers so bad. These texans are a bunch of fucking wanna-be's. They are like all green day fans, hoping to suck on the withered teat that used to be punk rock.
I cannot wait! I will not have any internet access unless the Hotel I am at has a internet room. I do not have a laptop. So, this may be the last you hear from me for a week! Have a great week then suckas!!!


Rob Instigator 08.02.2006 10:29 AM

My CD player plays WMA files and MP3's so what I did is make a CD of whole albums A - jane's addiction and another CD of Janes - Z and then one whole CD of just everty phish album and every sonic youth album I have. my CD player plays on random without any lag between songs whatsoever, so each CD will afford me over 75 hours of straight rockin, which is way more than enough fro my purposes!!!! rock!

pantophobia 08.02.2006 10:30 AM

i have been meaning to ask, since the Texans screwed up big time by (insert any excuse, there are quite a lot).. who is your favorite active team now?

and do you feel much hatred to wards Tennessee since they got to the super bowl the year after becoming the titans?

Rob Instigator 08.02.2006 10:35 AM

My favorite teams for the past 8 years have been Miami (dan marino fanatic here) and the Titans, because o steve mcnair, but no titans for me no more. I HATE Bud adams. he ripped out the soul of Houston texas by not only taking away the team, but refusing to let th city buy back the rights to the name OILERS, the fucking asshole.

I feel team names shoudl stay with the city. if th owners want to move the teams then let them deal with building up a new brand name and a new team name.

I was so hoping tennessee would win that super bowl. it was the most exciting super bowl.
they actually did that two years after leaving. the first year they were gone they were the tennessee Oilers. that's terrible.

I do not have a team now besides the texans. this is what you must do, support the shit home team, support themm until they get better. I am one of the few who was very glad we did not take reggie bush (greedy pighead did not want to sign a contract before the draft) or Vince Young (fuck UT, vince Young will be a decent quarterback in the NFL at best, that is my prediction.) I ama defensive minded fanatic, and to think we may have someone in mario williams who could be as dominant as reggie white opr deacon jones makes me very very excited. I cannot wait until mario wiliams lays a lick on fucking peytomn manning. the texans play the colts twice a year and shit.

pantophobia 08.02.2006 10:54 AM

i agree on the defensive side, but mario williams better be the second coming of reggie white, cause i actaully agreed with the talking heads this time and thought the texans should have traded down to get a bunch of players, build that much needed o line, it's nice that they have a commitment in carr, but he could one of those redskins cases (ie trent green, brad johnson, gus frerotte who went on to better things after leaving) and thats only if he has the potential they say he has which i haven't seen yet

but at least your QB isn't screwed like the J-E-T-S jets Jets JETS!!, they got patrick ramsey gunning for starter and skins traded him for a 6th round pick, now that is called screwed

pantophobia 08.02.2006 11:06 AM

and on the subject of supporting the home team, Jenn is the biggest opposite example i have ever met, she hates the skins, the ravens, the O's, and the Wizards, she makes fun of me every time i think the skins have a shot

it was so bad that i bet her $10 that the Skins would make the playoffs, well they did last year, but no money was to be had, because i was to dumb to make the bet last season, so the aforementioned bet happened 2 years ago when ramsey was the go to guy (dear fuck no wonder i lost the bet), now she knows better and refuses to take the bet

but we are doing a pool every week, and who ever ends up with the beat win-loss percentage between the 2 of us at the end of the year will get $50

slightly ranting, 6 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours will do that, and the Sleater-Kinney show we were supposed to see last night was rescheduled to Thursday cause the transformer nearly blew and they evacuated the club, but got to see the Rogers Sisters blow the place away (for real, them playing actually overloaded the powerline underground outside the club, and the fucking manhole cover blew off and the lines caught fire) very gnarly stuff

krastian 08.02.2006 03:52 PM

Have fun man....tell Warren Moon he rules.

So yr a Skins fan Patrick? Excellent.....we will never win with Brunell.

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