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DeadDiscoDildo 02.04.2011 12:26 AM

Twin Suns

What do ya think of this?

neutrinos going to re-write our DNA? One of us will begin his journey as a Jedi while staring off into the sunset? Bunch of garbage? End of the world? Too far away to actually be visible?

(I wish Rob Instigator was around for this)

That said, sorry this news is a few weeks old.

hevusa 02.04.2011 02:33 AM

probably won't change much for us except give a cool new view for a while. looking forward to it!

GeneticKiss 02.04.2011 01:31 PM

I looked into this. From what I can tell, Betelguese isn't close enough to do any major damage when it goes nova, but you will be seeing a third (the first two being the sun and moon) stellar object in the daytime sky...closer to the ending of 2010: The Year We Make Contact (or that one episode of Futurama) than Star Wars.

Either way, there had better not be any neutrinos screwing with our DNA, because if things go well with my girlfriend, she wants to have a family and I'd prefer our kids be human.

DeadDiscoDildo 02.04.2011 02:06 PM


What about the part that says it will supply us with "elements necessary for survival and continuity"???

Curious business.

2010 is already over btw :)

GeneticKiss 02.04.2011 04:48 PM

I know that...the movie came out in 1984.

DeadDiscoDildo 02.04.2011 05:00 PM

Oh wait, nvm. There's a movie called 2010? Didnt get the reference sorry.

Is it any good?

gast30 02.04.2011 05:44 PM

first time i hear of this

i say 'ultra cool'

maybe this help human kind to wake up from the bonobo coma

floatingslowly 02.04.2011 08:49 PM

Betelgeuse Betelgeuse Betelgeuse

Ford Prefect will be pissed.

GeneticKiss 02.04.2011 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
Oh wait, nvm. There's a movie called 2010? Didnt get the reference sorry.

Is it any good?

Meh, it's OK. Not as good as 2001: A Space Odyssey, but more accessible. It has the guy from Jaws and SeaQuest DSV in the lead role.

space 02.06.2011 09:25 PM

the movie "2010" is only "OK" if you like movies based around "how many different types of vehicles can jump giant cracks". the fucking Dukes of Hazzard (series, not film, had that genre done better).

SHAME, Mr. Cussack. SHAME.

and by shame, I mean, die in a giant crack.

DeadDiscoDildo 02.06.2011 09:48 PM

Wait, John Cussack was in the movie "2010" you guys are talking about? haha!

Wasnt he also in "2012" that came out a year or two ago?

GeneticKiss 02.06.2011 11:07 PM

You guys are WAAYYY off...

floatingslowly 02.06.2011 11:13 PM

yeah my bad. 2010 was awesome. it's 2012 that's a suckfest. it was the bit about neutrinos that threw me.

my apologies. I have Captain Tripps and my brain is drowning in secretions.

Rob Instigator 02.17.2011 12:59 AM

It takes trillions upon trillions of neutrinos going through the most advanced neutrino detectors for 6 months to get several hundred or even dozen "hits". And that is every day all day. Worry more about a nova wiping clean all magnetic memory sustems instantly causing the collapse of civilization. That being said. I would fuck ariana huffington

DeadDiscoDildo 02.17.2011 01:05 AM

Yeah, rob the Solar flare in 2012 right? No fucking electric, running water, cell phones, etc. etc. etc. pretty much EVERYTHING we use.

Scary thought. No SYG, we'll be too busy killing eachother with the already dead's bones and sucking the vitamins out of the flesh.

Cuz there isn't enough vegetation alone to sustain the human race.

Or enough water.

Also, there are some scientists that believe the solar flare in 2012 could possibley prematurely erupt the super volcano under yellowstone. There are a few other scientific events that will happen in 2012 that could also erupt it prematurely, or if we got hit by a nuke.

Wiping out north america in a flash and causing an iceage that would last for anywhere from a few hundred to 1000 years.

Reducing the human population to 5% globally, only survivers would be in africa.


DeadDiscoDildo 02.17.2011 03:06 PM


DeadDiscoDildo 02.18.2011 12:43 AM

bump while you can still use your computers, you fucking fucks!

GeneticKiss 02.18.2011 02:41 PM

Why do you want the world to end? Some of us enjoy being alive, you know.

DeadDiscoDildo 02.18.2011 03:01 PM

I don't want it to...

the world wouldn't end by the way, just civilization and life as we know it.

I just want people to talk about science more! This thread is the coolest in awhile, yall just dont know it.

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