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gast30 11.30.2010 12:45 PM

nucliar plants not safe, alternative solar or fusion reactor
researchers who worked on nucliar plants say it's unsafe
'one day it's gonna go wrong and bring large problems for the outside world'

how many gonna die
1 million people, poor, rich, young, old, famous, unfamous

and the many years after that

if we have alternative for energy and the majority of the people want a safe and clean future
they need to make the step towards solar energy, cars on airpressure
that are now out
yes a car on airpressure, clean air for everyone

fusion reactors can be also a clean alternative

the people don't need to follow the industry
the people need to follow a clean and safe future for their childeren

there is only a future in front of us

and the childeren will look back and see the choises that we made today
for them

floatingslowly 11.30.2010 12:54 PM

my favourite nukelear plant(s)
are the kind
tha grow purple and big
they have large mouth
like a hippo
that swallows mans
like fly

they first came from Venus
but like small
in Tokyo bay
giant form emerged
form from foam

not purple though more
like geen

but more toothsome
and liek fish not man

plants only eat mans

solar plants are
not as fierce
they grow. stff
liek to tomatoes and flowers
to FEED mans

so opposite

so YES.

gast30 11.30.2010 01:05 PM

instead of poetry
there better can be a safty plan

what regions will be effected
and where the wind will blow nucliar clouds

instead of looking forward to cash in money
it's the future of childeren

floatingslowly 11.30.2010 01:11 PM

the new and clear plan would be to go underground.

I once read there are a race of man living there.

morlox they say. like apes they survived and actually worshipped the bombs!

maybe they (through EVOLution) gained a knowledge that WE do not currently possess.

a knowledge to worship. a knowledge of higher POWER. ghosts in the machines. power of the DEAD.

kinn 11.30.2010 02:58 PM

i am going to kidnap gast and sacrifice him to the god uranium who lives in the cooling tower. we shall dance our pagan dance as we watch his body melt into the flames.

but seriously, i would be all in favour of an alternative energy source that ran off the bodies of the anti nuclear power crowd. i would be leading the secret police in breaking into their homes and smashing through the doors of their attics to round them up and take them off to be turned into fuel.

gast30 11.30.2010 06:36 PM

you know what would be better than sex
politicians who are payed by the nucliar lobby
to stop smiling next time they are on the TV

we don't need your perversion
a healty population is one where 80% of the people don't believe politicians

Lamont Cranston 11.30.2010 09:27 PM

fusion power doesn't yet exist
and probably wont for decades or more
and cost trillions of dollars

gast30 11.30.2010 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lamont Cranston
fusion power doesn't yet exist
and probably wont for decades or more
and cost trillions of dollars

i 'm not gonna argue on that
it's not yet
they are far with fusion reactor

you don't see the future picture
it can be used for the terra-forming of mars

what is not ready is science fiction
what is close to ready is the key in the door of the future

Lamont Cranston 12.01.2010 01:59 AM

No they are not "far" with a fusion reactor, the best projections put it at 50-70 years from now. Never mind the trillions of dollars it would cost.
Its no better than waiting for Carbon Sequestration and other so-called 'Clean Coal' technologies.
Unknown unproven uncertain.
And while twiddling your thumbs waiting to do nothing, there actions that can be taken right now today: Nuclear Power, low emission fossil fuels like Natural Gas, Public Transportation, etc.

StevOK 12.01.2010 09:27 AM

What's More Dangerous Than Nuclear Power Plants? Every Other Kind of Power Plant.


It's hard to believe now, but nuclear energy was once a pretty promising and popular form of power. For a while in the 1950s, the design world was smitten with the atomic aesthetic, and everything kind of took on this spacey, futuristic look. Even toys got in on atomic energy fever:


Nuclear energy was literally all fun and games until a few meltdowns burst our atomic dream bubble. By the time Three Mile Island had its partial meltdown, most of the American public was terrified of powering even a toaster with something so insanely dangerous. From Three Mile on, it became so difficult to sell the public on nuclear energy that no new power plants have been built in the U.S. in 30 years.

Here's the thing, though. No one died as a result of the Three Mile Island disaster. No one even got injured or sick. The radiation released was the equivalent of one-sixth of a chest X-ray. In fact, even with nuclear power plants still in operation in the United States today, you and everyone who works in them still effectively have a 0 percent chance of dying from radiation poisoning.
While people did die at Chernobyl, and many people got sick, poor design and safety violations were so egregious and numerous that the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group published a 148-page report in 1993 detailing every possible thing that went wrong and how it could have been easily fixed. That doesn't change the fact that everyone around the accident got massively screwed in a big way, of course, but it seems that our initial estimates of the long-term damage of a nuclear event may have been exaggerated.


You call that a meltdown?

What You Should be Afraid of:
Every other source of energy.
For example, coal kills more miners every few years than the initial blast at Chernobyl. This, of course, doesn't take into account air pollution from coal, which dwarfs those numbers yearly. But come on, that's not really surprising, is it? We know coal is bad for us -- that's why we're developing all these great green forms of energy. They're renewable and better for the environment.
Unfortunately, they're actually not necessarily safer than nuclear energy for those involved in producing them. A study found that in Europe alone, wind energy has killed more people than nuclear energy and, worldwide, hydroelectric energy has, too.
The leading cause of accidents involving wind energy farms is "blade failure," which is when a turbine blade breaks, sending shrapnel flying through the air.


With hydroelectric, of course, you get disasters and floods related to the dams.
Are we saying nuclear energy is the end-all, be-all next great power source? Is this article sponsored by a nuclear power conglomerate? Not as far as we know. We're just saying that sometimes it seems like we decide what we are going to be afraid of by drawing randomly from a hat.

Read more:

gast30 12.01.2010 12:07 PM

an new eara of nano-tech is growing

things need to be simplefied

we need to make choises that can give massive boost to our planet
in a green way
you make 1 cut and say from here we make things simple
we only work for space explorations world wide
follow that up strickt
we need that to stay alive here on earth
c'mon look at our planet
how you're going to explain this
we don't have no time to put this in a historical context

you 'can' believe that we are designed to explore
like evolution
we're a part of evolution
and that it's now time to explore other planets
what we're also doing

Lamont Cranston 12.02.2010 04:18 AM

This is worse than tesla69, its barely coherent ramblings.

gast30 03.16.2011 07:09 AM

the reason i came back to this thread is that we never needed nucliar plants

if the world is going to be full with nucliar plants then more nucliar accidents will happen in the future, i think

we never needed nucliar plants

-all these nucliar desecions ar made above the head of the people
with preprogrammed plans of multinations and politicians
who put their signature under the approval of a nucliar plant

the people who ar intelligent, green, future have no voice in this world

Derek 03.16.2011 07:14 AM


kinikinikinik 03.16.2011 09:22 AM


kinikinikinik 03.16.2011 09:22 AM


kinikinikinik 03.16.2011 09:23 AM


kinikinikinik 03.16.2011 09:24 AM


tesla69 03.16.2011 09:38 AM

[quote=Lamont Cranston]

kinikinikinik 03.16.2011 09:43 AM

there are no nuclear power plants in my country.

which is a real threat.

we badly need them.

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