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jon boy 02.16.2010 12:35 AM

die antwoord


davenotdead 02.16.2010 01:00 AM

they are all the rage. not only among my internet friends. so, they have broken through to the mainstream already... quite impressive, tho an irl friend told me that they are possibly viral marketing for Jagermeister.

demonrail666 02.16.2010 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
an irl friend told me that they are possibly viral marketing for Jagermeister.

That's interesting. I've noticed the Jagermeister logo a lot in their vids. I like them a lot but do suspect something like that might be behind them.

atsonicpark 02.16.2010 02:01 AM

cute girl, awful music. favorited. thanks!

davenotdead 02.16.2010 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
That's interesting. I've noticed the Jagermeister logo a lot in their vids. I like them a lot but do suspect something like that might be behind them.

if it is, its pure genius. and this could completely change the game.

_slavo_ 02.16.2010 03:56 AM

what the FUCK is that?

Toilet & Bowels 02.16.2010 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
what the FUCK is that?

I know, seriously

Trasher02 02.16.2010 05:26 AM Their other music video (Feat. tsimfuckus or atleast some other progeria kid that looks like him) is funnier imo.

Glice 02.16.2010 05:45 AM

Next level shit brau.

I quite liked their album as well. And the Constructus Corporation. Next level.

Toilet & Bowels 02.16.2010 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Next level shit brau.

I quite liked their album as well. And the Constructus Corporation. Next level.

more new depths rather than next level, if you get me

Glice 02.16.2010 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
more new depths rather than next level, if you get me

I get you. And your Lambretta, parka, lifetime achievement award at the Brits and ill-advised haircut for a man in his 50s. If you get me.

_slavo_ 02.16.2010 06:36 AM

seriously Glice, that shit is ridiculous. I was somewhat intrigued by the "donk" stuff you posted some time ago but this is just too much.

ni'k 02.16.2010 07:02 AM

I started off as a casual user of donk but at my lowest point I was clad head to foot in sportswear and stealing 10 Corsas a day to maintain my dirty donk habit... I was found in the local park with a couple of g's of pure donk shoved up my arris and am now in the nick. Problem is you can't get any donk inside and i'm crawling up the walls in ere bruv.Please shove some donk in a tennis ball and throw it over the walls for me............

ni'k 02.16.2010 07:13 AM

donk is a hell of a drug, i would wake up in the corner of a house party in manchester at 2pm the day after, when some cider damaged buffoons would be fucking about on a torrented version of fruity loops 7, bragging about how sick their beats were, when i would try to leave i would find that no matter were i would walk to i would end up outside the off license or at the front door of another house party, it seemed the donk was conspiring with the laws of physics to warp reality and halt any escape. soon, a small and half grown moustache spouted on my face and i found a newfound appreciation for the collected works of scooter and the jeremy kyle cannon. if i didnt get a decent donk every few hours i would suffer a nervous breakdown and end up lashing out violently at whoever was around me until i was physically stopped or tired myself out. my compatriots at this point were always the same generic scallies and so distinguishing between them was next to pointless. my language was increasingly descending into a gruntish gibberish, conveying only the most basest expressions, and my brow was furrowing. i would conspire with my mates to nick a corsa, knowing that if i didn't get some kind of donk out of it's digital bass enhanced speakers i would surely spend the weekend alternating between a catatonic stupor and bouts of aimless violence directed at whatever personage or furniture that was in my immeadiate vicinity. i spent years in this horrible reality, chasing the donk to end all donks, the final donk tht would never come, wearing my body and mind down to an ape like reflex machine.

at some point a female scally accosted me claiming that i had gotten her up the duff, after months of beating her in a fist based quest for truth and lottery tickets i realised that the fruit of my loins would soon hatch into this cruel world. in a rare moment of reflection i decided i did not want the sprog to come into existance with a donk addict for a father, and resolved to change my ways. but to get clean i knew i needed one last donk, one massive fucking donk that i could go out on, that would calibrate my nervous system back to some kind of release for a brief moment with which i could catapult myself head long into kicking the habit. i needed the momentum if i was ever to accomplish the task of sobriety. i spent the next day scowling the estates in my usual donk hunting mode, but this time i was working overtime on mental calculations on how i would pull of the donk to end all donks. it was tuesday, and such a donk could only be accomplished on a friday night, but what short notice! i estimated that at least 15, to 20 corsas would have to be stolen, and some sort of mass gathering would have to be hijacked...

and then, a moment of sheer inspiration came upon me as if god himself was pouring his personal stash of cider from the heavens, this sweet ambrosia transmitted through a raindrop and fine tuning the harmonic chords of my grey matter - i needed a poster for my event, and what better place to put it up than on the set for coronation street, so that it might appear in a backround shot! genius! in my haste i broke into a the house of a nearby graphic designer and stabbed a poster out of him. it was a fine piece of mancunian design, remineiscent of peter saville's flyers for factory. although on closer inspection there were a few grammatical errors, and so i had to stab him some more to procure a corrected master version. i spent the next day skulking around granada studios looking for a way to make my stealthy entrance, but there was heavy security...


Glice 02.16.2010 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
seriously Glice, that shit is ridiculous. I was somewhat intrigued by the "donk" stuff you posted some time ago but this is just too much.

It's funny, I don't see it as any different to J-pop, and prefer it a great deal. It is ridiculous, obviously, but in that it's quite enjoyable. For me, preferable to a legion of dour ugly people with guitars.

Toilet & Bowels 02.16.2010 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I get you. And your Lambretta, parka, lifetime achievement award at the Brits and ill-advised haircut for a man in his 50s. If you get me.

Yeah but the difference is I don't actually like any of the stuff you mentioned but you do like the ant words

wellcharge 02.16.2010 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
preferable to a legion of dour ugly people with guitars.

yeah, i hate pretty much anything to do with dour ugly people and guitars

verme (prevaricator) 02.16.2010 10:30 AM

the canon 5d mark ii really shoots video beautifully.

floatingslowly 02.16.2010 11:11 AM

I liked it.... a lot. :o

jon boy 02.16.2010 08:28 PM

they are comedians, you do know that right?

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