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Inhuman 12.20.2009 12:02 AM

Do the board a favor....
Click here.
(does not apply to those individuals already ignoring Mr.Baer)

Oh wait, looks like Mr.Genteel Death has made a comment about this thread! Let's hear it:

Doesn't making another fucktarded thread of complaint about spammers count as spam itself? Who gives a shit? Anyone can register and call you a mongoloid with a stutter till they get burnt.

Many people give a shit buddy, and it may interest those to END the spam after viewing one thread. It's your own choice, and if this doesn't interest you, simply don't post in this thread instead of digitally vomiting in it.


wellcharge 12.20.2009 12:09 AM

i don't do this ignoring shit, time to deal with the reality of sygossip, soldiers can't ignore mines can they? no,that's not completely different

EVOLghost 12.20.2009 01:23 AM


jerf 12.20.2009 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by wellcharge
i don't do this ignoring shit, time to deal with the reality of sygossip, soldiers can't ignore mines can they? no,that's not completely different

well put. everyone quit whining already. hes a thousand times more entertaining than sway was.

pbradley 12.20.2009 09:00 PM

Excuse me, but how is he at all entertaining?

SuperCreep 12.20.2009 11:08 PM

he isn't at all entertaining. it's way easier to put him out of mind than give him the time of day by ignoring him and making threads about him anyway.

pbradley 12.20.2009 11:16 PM

In case anyone want to know what he looks like...

pbradley 12.20.2009 11:21 PM

Also, the gig forum:

Surprised there is one actually.

infinitemusic 12.20.2009 11:37 PM

Who exactly are you talkinga bout anyway?

jon boy 12.21.2009 02:45 AM

i dont know if thats actually him. its the sort of thing someone on here would look at while browsing and then pretend to be to get on peoples nerves.

or maybe its brian sewell?

pbradley 12.21.2009 03:08 AM

True, but in the land of the virtual, does it really matter all that much if the end user is actually Baer?

EVOLghost 12.21.2009 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
In case anyone want to know what he looks like...

gtfo! hahahaha

floatingslowly 12.21.2009 01:33 PM

charles webster beard!

floatingslowly 12.21.2009 01:54 PM

ps: after watchig this video, I now fully support this man's crusade.

that said....

vote for f l o a t i n g s l o w l y for President of the Earth.

I stand for two things:

1) total freedom of internet speech
2) birth control

as yr President, I promise to defend these truths, Amerikkan style (which is to say, through the use of teargas and rubber bullets).

floatingslowly 12.21.2009 02:28 PM

^^^ I'm glad that yr here. it gives me the chance to inform you that yr campaign is illegal.

having already won (and served) a term as President of Earth, you are no longer eligible for re-election.

I'm sorry that it has to be this way. I didn't make the rules; you did.

however, if you vote for me, I'll make sure you keep yr desk. I'm sure it's sticky with pineapple juice anyways.


SYRFox 12.21.2009 02:46 PM

tastynutz is no more!!

ni'k 12.21.2009 02:57 PM

what's this? talk of elections? challenges to my power? don't you know i already claimed the syg in a stalinist coup. we've been over this. westernquinrox is in charge of the gulags, were you shall all be sent to do hard labour - you'll be locked up in a pitch black isolation cell listening to the merzbox in its entireity on repeat. this glorious death by starvation awaits all traitors.

EVOLghost 12.21.2009 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
tastynutz is no more!!


was he finally booted?

SYRFox 12.21.2009 03:37 PM

looks so

floatingslowly 12.21.2009 04:38 PM

this is a blatant slap in the face to all bearded creatures (ladies included)!

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