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phoenix 06.22.2009 08:47 AM

my boyfriend thinks he has swine flu
because my niece got taken to hospital ( she doesnt have it, it turns out )


"what are the symptoms.. I have them. I have it"
Phoenix: "Im not telling you, you'll just make it up anyway and say you have them"
*googles* "SEE! see I have four.. out of nine of them"
Phoenix: "you dont have the swine flu"
Phoenix: *touches his forehead and takes temp* "you have a mild temp.. no where near like ***(niece) had, you are fine, take another panadol"
"my head hurts now, where you touched me"
Phoenix :rolleyes: "how long is this going to go on?"

sonic sphere 06.22.2009 09:04 AM

sounds like you have a drama queen on your hands! well, men always tend to exagerrate when they are ill don't they? i know i do!

floatingslowly 06.22.2009 09:10 AM

maybe he DOES have it.

I think I did.

it's a lot milder than the news makes it out to be.

if it is, you should try to get it too, so that you are immunized when the BAD version hits.

try rubbing his tissues on yr face or something.

phoenix 06.22.2009 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by sonic sphere
sounds like you have a drama queen on your hands! well, men always tend to exagerrate when they are ill don't they? i know i do!

massively so. But it comes and goes. Sometimes when he is sick, he'll just get on with things. Other times.. like this.. :rolleyes:

"I'm shaking now, I can't stop shaking" (he is shivering)
Phoenix: "right. well you better sit the fuck down then because if yr having a seizure and hit yr head I can't get you in the car to the hospital."
"I'm not having a seizure. I think I'm just really cold"
Phoenix: "yeh, thought that. Take the panadol!"

noisereductions 06.22.2009 09:14 AM

my wife and I wondered if maybe we had it. As mentioned above, it is a lot milder than most people think. We both were wicked sick of about a week. To the point that I couldnt even get out of bed. And she had a weird fever-induced suffocation/dizzy spell thing that woke her up even. I dont' know.

phoenix 06.22.2009 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
maybe he DOES have it.

I think I did.

it's a lot milder than the news makes it out to be.

if it is, you should try to get it too, so that you are immunized when the BAD version hits.

try rubbing his tissues on yr face or something.

He really doesn't have the swine flu. If anything, we have already had it, but in Brisbane.. We were both REALLY sick for a week and a half, then another week later but milder. This is nothing like that, it's a clear chesty cough and a mild temperature, that's it.

ew haha no damn tissues on my face. jesus. There is no way I'm ever getting sinus problems on purpose. It's hard enough to breathe as it is already.

phoenix 06.22.2009 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
a weird fever-induced suffocation/dizzy spell thing that woke her up even.

I had one of these too when I was sick. Though, it was just after I got into bed. I seriously thought I was having a stroke or something haha. Everything 'felt' odd. My sense of perception felt off and I felt really short of breath. Say 'felt' because.. not really sure how else to describe it.

floatingslowly 06.22.2009 09:26 AM

^^^ most likely hypotension secondary to dehydration. although, typically, it's worse when you stand up.


Originally Posted by noisereductions
And she had a weird fever-induced suffocation/dizzy spell thing that woke her up even.

fever won't cause that (if she was congested, it's possible that it blocked her airway while sleeping and made her hypoxic).

when she is not sick, does yr wife snore often? sleep apnea can present itself with those symptoms. it's possible that an upper respiratory infection aggravated an underlying condition.

I would say it might just be hypotension (as above) except for the waking up, gasping for air part. that's not exactly normal.

phoenix 06.22.2009 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

highly possible. I definately don't drink enough water/fluids.... ever. It's one of those things I always have to force myself to do. Some bad days I think about it, and I've only had one glass of drink the whole day.. sometimes not even that. (aside from a latte which really does not count) It was probably worse when I was away, sick, and having the a/c on all night.

phoenix 06.22.2009 09:37 AM

Flots, what about waking up with sore diaphragm muscles? It happens about 1 in 2 mornings. :( This makes me worry about my night time breathing...

floatingslowly 06.22.2009 09:42 AM

is that yr only symptom?

does panty-head hear you breathing heavy (while sleeping)?

is this only in the morning, after you wake up?

give me more data, please.


Originally Posted by phoenix
I definately don't drink enough water/fluids.... ever.

being sick makes it even worse. replacing yr fluids is the best thing you can do to speed up yr recovery.

nicfit 06.22.2009 09:49 AM


phoenix 06.22.2009 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
is that yr only symptom?

does panty-head hear you breathing heavy (while sleeping)?

is this only in the morning, after you wake up?

give me more data, please.

I don't know what other symptoms I have.. It's the one that bothers me and causes discomfort.. I *do* also have a bit of a sunken chest though, but nothing that anyof my GP have ever seemed to care too much about.

yeh, I've always always been a heavy breather (mouth breather most of the time while sleeping, I'm better when I take antihistamines but don't regularly anymore).. he says he hears me stop breathing all the time but I've no idea if this really happens or not, or if Im just quiet for a moment in comparison to loud breathing. On rare occasions it is apparently happens enough for him to shake me so I wake up though.

phoenix 06.22.2009 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit

The 'light' parts are the best bits in lego.

phoenix 06.22.2009 09:51 AM

The chest muscle/diaphragm pain subsides once I take a few deep breaths after I wake up, 99% of the time.

floatingslowly 06.22.2009 09:52 AM

please, I'm at least a 2-1B.


floatingslowly 06.22.2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
I don't know what other symptoms I have.. It's the one that bothers me and causes discomfort.. I *do* also have a bit of a sunken chest though, but nothing that anyof my GP have ever seemed to care too much about.

well, first, diaphragms won't ever actually "hurt". however, if you are experiencing pain in that area, there's a good chance it's simple reflux.

gastroesophageal reflux can cause painful sensations, shortness of breath and coughing (with the symptoms most often occuring in the morning after the stomach acid has had a good go at yr esophagus).

mostly, try to avoid eating/drinking several hours before bed.


Common foods that can worsen reflux symptoms include
  • citrus fruits
  • chocolate
  • drinks with caffeine or alcohol
  • fatty and fried foods
  • garlic and onions
  • mint flavorings
  • spicy foods
  • tomato-based foods, like spaghetti sauce, salsa, chili, and pizza

^^^ see also: smoking.

trying limiting yr intake of the above items as well as giving plenty of time for food/drink to digest before going to bed. and for a non-prescriptive remedy, try elevating yr pillow (about 10 degrees).

if the symptoms do not subside, get back to me.

phoenix 06.22.2009 10:11 AM

hmm okay, the pain feels as though my muscles are cramped up tight in that area, so I just always assumed my body had been trying to breathe/not been able to. Kind of like the feeling you can get if you breathe all the way out, and tense yr upper abdomen muscles at the same time? I dunno. I will try not eating a while before bed and see how I go. It would be awesome if it goes away.

Sonic Youth 37 06.22.2009 10:13 AM

Try a leather belt

phoenix 06.22.2009 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
^^^ see also: smoking.

stop smoking :mad:

My diet has everything on that list, I dont think I'd way to give any of it up! The only ones I don't eat so much are fried foods, except for hot chips. mmm.

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