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Toilet & Bowels 01.18.2009 04:12 PM

Recommend an RPG
I feel like playing an RPG, can anyone recommend one that does not have random monster encounters, and one that does, and say which is which please? PC, or PS2, jap or non-jap.
FYI, I've played all the FF games and Zeldas, and not really a fan of DQ.


acousticrock87 01.18.2009 04:29 PM

Legend of Legaia was a very good PS1 RPG. It was originally Japanese, and similar to FF (without being a clone), but it's in English, too, and shouldn't be incredibly hard to find. It was one of my favorite games as a kid, along with FFIX and Jade Cocoon.

Jade Cocoon is another great PS1 RPG, but I have a hard time judging whether it was actually amazing, or if it was just me. It's much more specialized, and I'm sure is not for everyone. It's in the monster-catching vein, but...different?

Both Legend of Legaia 2 and Jade Cocoon 2 were disappointing, but JC2 wasn't terrible.

EDIT: And I forgot to clarify, Jade Cocoon doesn't have random encounters, but it has encounters. As in, the random enemies appear on the map and are possible to avoid (though not always).

Antagon 01.18.2009 04:46 PM

X-Men Legends (The first one)

It's not the most revolutionary or innovative RPG but it's a fun game to play. I actually don't like the RPG genre, so it does really mean something when I say it's fun to play.

Btw. kudos for recommending Legend of Legaia, I never played it but it was always fun to watch.

atsonicpark 01.18.2009 05:01 PM

No random encounters on the ps2? Persona 4.

As far as best rpg of all time with random encounters, Xenogears.

Danny Himself 01.18.2009 05:05 PM


I reccomend the RPG7 Grenade Launcher.

It's got enough firepower to take down a decadent American helicopter whilst still remaining rather lightweight, in case you are ambushed and need to run away fast.

Sonic Youth 37 01.18.2009 05:12 PM

Elder Scroll 3: Morrowind (PC) On of the most in-depth non MMO RPGs ever.You will literally be running around for a month, if you so choose, do quests. Or you can just create a character and do whatever you want. this plus the 2 expansion would probably run you $30-40 now.

Also, Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (the bundle edition is probably still $50), is graphically and combatly superior but has steep system Reqs and the addition of horses and fast travel make the scope seem much smaller.

DeadDiscoDildo 01.18.2009 06:23 PM

Knights of the Old Republic (if you haven't played it yet, it is the fucking best. fuck the rest. I don't care.)


Mass Effect (just got it for christmas and played it and it's not half bad. Pretty rad.)

Haven't played it personally, but I heard fall out 3 is cool too.

deflinus 01.18.2009 06:31 PM

play some FFs and Zeldas..

Trasher02 01.18.2009 06:38 PM

If you've got an Xbox or an Xbox 360 I'd recommend the Fable series.
You could try WoW though that's kind of extreme... FFS is the shit, so is zelda. Pokémon was fun to play.. There's millions of great RPG's out there, just look which one fits you best.

HECKLER SPRAY 01.18.2009 06:39 PM

Yeah, Mass Effect is quite good.
But in my opinion, Fallout 3 is very disappointing. You should try Fallout 2(PC).
Planescape Torment on PC (if you can find it).
Vampire The Mascarade : Bloodlines (PC).

barnaclelapse 01.18.2009 08:39 PM

The slightly revamped Chrono Trigger for the Nintendo DS would be well worth your time.

alteredcourse 01.18.2009 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by HECKLER SPRAY
But in my opinion, Fallout 3 is very disappointing. You should try Fallout 2(PC).
Planescape Torment on PC (if you can find it).
Vampire The Mascarade : Bloodlines (PC).

I looooooooooooooove fallout 3.
But if you havent played fallout 2, totally go for that. There are random encounters.

Planescape: Torment is fucking incredible. Love it. But you sort of need the focus. There is a lot of's amazing stuff, but if you leave the game for a few weeks and return to it, you would probably find yourself pretty lost. Despite that, I love this game. there are other links as well.
There are random encounters.

I love vampire bloodlines as well but it is very simple. Fun as hell but not as involving as the other RPGs out there. There are no random encounters.

vulva 01.19.2009 01:00 AM

get a DS and The World Ends With You

ZEROpumpkins 01.19.2009 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself

I reccomend the RPG7 Grenade Launcher.

It's got enough firepower to take down a decadent American helicopter whilst still remaining rather lightweight, in case you are ambushed and need to run away fast.


Anyway, best RPG with random encounters is Pokemon. No exceptions.

uhler 01.19.2009 01:31 AM

shadownrun for snes.

vulva 01.19.2009 03:20 AM

Also, haven't mentioned it, but RPGs generally suck. Especially turn based RPGs. I'd rather play the game and end up missing by accident once in a while instead of a game telling me I missed. Turn based RPGs play themselves. It's just masturbation.

atsonicpark 01.19.2009 04:01 AM

RPG's do generally suck. It's still a genre that's produced the best games ever for 20 years now.

I prefer strategy/tactical RPG's to whatever RPG's became nowadays. The ps1 era was amazing for RPG's, however.

vulva 01.19.2009 04:45 AM

RPGs are for otaku losers

atsonicpark 01.19.2009 05:09 AM

That's not true. I've put hundreds (thousands?) of hours into rpg's and I'm definitely not a loser.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a winner either.

Toilet & Bowels 01.19.2009 05:31 AM

i don't have a DS, or an xbox, or an xbox 360, i'm not paying collector prices for oop games, i want some thing i can pick up second hand & cheap, for either PS2 or PC

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