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truncated 01.21.2008 09:41 PM

Guilty Pleasures Volume XXI
Well, I'm not sure what volume this is, but I've done these before. Anyhow...

In the category of novels:

- "I Am Charlotte Simmons" by Tom Wolfe - Total fluff, wickedly and immaturely entertaining.

In the category of TV:

- "Psych" - I have no defense for this.

In music:

- Many things Justin Timberlake.
- The Allman Brothers. I might as well get some overalls.

That's it for now. Feel free to contribute your own.

✌➬ 01.21.2008 09:44 PM


No Country For Old Men- Just awesome gore.
There Will Be Blood- The best ending ever.


Cat Power- I just got into her, can't stop listening to her.

T.V.: The best writing since the strike.

pbradley 01.21.2008 11:43 PM

Bioshock: Yes, it is an overwrought Ayn Rand inspired video game but I loved System Shock 2 and all the criticism of Objectivism makes me happy. Also it is graphically gorgeous.

floatingslowly 01.22.2008 09:55 AM

I tried really hard to think of something embarrassing that I watched or did.....

however, everything I do is SUPER_COOL and I have no shame in my game.

I guess I'm staying out of this one.


_slavo_ 01.22.2008 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
Cat Power- I just got into her, can't stop listening to her.

what's a guilty pleasure about her? she's decent and always was.

Rob Instigator 01.22.2008 10:17 AM

no country for old men and There Will be Blood are high quality films man. no guilt there!

my recent guilty pleasures

TMZ - it irritates me nearly three times as much as it entertains me,

floatingslowly 01.22.2008 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
what's a guilty pleasure about her? she's decent and always was.

because in recent threads about her, people were bagging on the music as being boring old hack.

he doesn't want to appear uncool to the elitists by saying that cat power is cool. so, by saying it's uncool and he likes it, he still stays cool (in their eyes).

I hope this helps.

sarramkrop 01.22.2008 10:25 AM


floatingslowly 01.22.2008 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop

don't feel guilty. they too are gawd's children.

_slavo_ 01.22.2008 10:37 AM


_slavo_ 01.22.2008 10:45 AM

Mogwai !!

floatingslowly 01.22.2008 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Mogwai !!

that's the well-fed variety.

sarramkrop 01.22.2008 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
don't feel guilty. they too are gawd's children.

Who's gaaaawd?

floatingslowly 01.22.2008 11:01 AM

ok, I've finally thought of some stuff that I should feel guilty about.
  1. I'm e-vain. meaning, the only reason I play online games is so that I can "look badass / hot" while doing it. I quickly lose interest if I do not "look badass / hot". currently, I am both "badass" and "hot".
  2. I can tell the difference between a mogwai and a gremlin.
that's it.

floatingslowly 01.22.2008 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Who's gaaaawd?

some guy in a tit factory. it's a thankless job, but I want it.

sarramkrop 01.22.2008 11:04 AM

Go on, show me how you look badass/ hot while you play online games on da knob.

floatingslowly 01.22.2008 11:10 AM

what's da knob?

!@#$%! 01.22.2008 01:17 PM

hey truncky! welcome back, however temporary your stay might be.

anyway, my latest guilty pleasure has been watching floatingslowly squirm under girlgun's boot.

why pleasure? obviously because the misfortunes of others are often a source of satisfaction and joy.

why guilty? because i am not totally devoid of human compassion-- even for self-proclaimed robots...

floatingslowly 01.22.2008 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hey truncky! welcome back, however temporary your stay might be.

anyway, my latest guilty pleasure has been watching floatingslowly squirm under girlgun's boot.

why pleasure? obviously because the misfortunes of others are often a source of satisfaction and joy.

why guilty? because i am not totally devoid of human compassion-- even for self-proclaimed robots...

ok. that's the third or fourth time you've posted something of the like, so I'll bite.

WTF are you talking about? squirm? at what? her busting my balls by calling me "wife" in public or her making Rob all bothered by telling him that she dreams of him? both make me laugh.

beyond that, it's the fucking internet, nothing here is real.

my circuits are stable. all systems are go.

I'm afraid you'll have to find a new source of voyeuristic saddism to get yr rocks off.


Rob Instigator 01.22.2008 01:47 PM

it makes me laugh too. it is all in good fun. there is no ulterior motives, just compliments.

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