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LifeDistortion 05.12.2006 05:41 PM

Two movies I want to see
I want to go check out "Art School Confidental", the new movie by Terry Zwigoff and Daniel Clowes. I've heard mixed reviews over it though. Also, anyone else planning on seeing "The Proposition"? A gritty western set in Australia with a screenplay written by Nick Cave.

screamingskull 05.12.2006 05:45 PM

fuck yeah im the biggest daniel clowes fan, i have to see this but i doubt that ANY cinema anywhere near my town would ever show it!

johnnywinternoshow 05.12.2006 05:46 PM

the proposition looks good, dunno about uk release dates though or even if it will go on general release or just independants. is that art school confidential thing a comedy in the vein of american pie? I saw an ad on it for pitchfork and thats what it looked like :S if that's the case, I won't be watching it

Kim C Not G 05.12.2006 06:00 PM

I would like to see Art School Confidential as well! If anyone does see it, be sure to give us your review! Hopefully, it lives up to Ghost World expectations...or even better.

SolidZach 05.12.2006 08:10 PM

I know its been out for a while.
I still want to see the producers.

terminal pharmacy 05.13.2006 05:21 AM

umm yes the proposition is brilliant, with the sound track done by cave and warren ellis. if you have seen john hillcoats other films you will like them. ghosts of the civil dead, and too have and too hold are the other two.

jon boy 05.19.2006 05:28 PM

the proposition was not that good. i could see what was trying to be done but it missed the mark as far as i was concerned. if they didnt have ray winstone or a few others it would have been better.

i dont mind ray winstone, just not in this.

noumenal 05.20.2006 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
SOOOO, I am probably the only person in America who has not read the Da Vinci Code, but I want too. I should read it first and then maybe just rent the movie or some shit, right?!

I'm going to see the movie, but I'll probably never read the book.

Edit: Actually, I probably won't do either. Check out these reviews:

acousticrock87 05.20.2006 02:28 AM

I'm not going to do either. I don't like modern murder mystery stuff. It just seems so boring to me.

I've played all four SH games and seen the movie twice. The movie is not as good, but if you go in expecting a bad movie you'll be pleasantly surprised. People tend to hate it or love it.

terminal pharmacy 05.20.2006 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
I hear that the book is MUCH more climatic, exciting and fast paced then the movie though... Hollywood can't portray and duplicate literature the way an author can. I just fear seeing the movie first will turn me off to wanting to read it... Besides, Silent Hill looks like it might be pretty good. Is it as good as the game(s)?!

kegmama i know what you mean but this sentence is funny

Ich bin gael 05.20.2006 04:05 PM

I want to see THE KING with Gael Garcia Bernal. I'll probably go see it tomorrow.

Ich bin gael 05.20.2006 04:20 PM


and I can't wait until next month to see this:


It looks hilarious... Meryl Streep as Anna Wintour? OH GOD YES!

LifeDistortion 05.20.2006 04:28 PM

"The Devil Wears Prada", Anne Hathaway is in it, she was in Disney's "The Princess Diaries", more importantly, she was in "Havoc", what a revealing role, bravo.

Ich bin gael 05.20.2006 04:36 PM

Just think... if I was in France I'd be watching Marie-Antoinette in a few days! We have to wait until October!! WHY SOFIA, WHY?!?!

samantha. 05.21.2006 01:13 AM

I wanted to watch The Proposition as well, but I never got round to seeing it when it was in the cinemas. I can't wait until X-Men 3 comes out! :)

noumenal 05.21.2006 01:15 AM

People were standing on the side of the road here protesting The Da Vinci Code yesterday. There were about 10 with big signs depicting Jesus wearing the crown of thorns with underneath some sort of admonishing slogan.

samantha. 05.21.2006 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by noumenal
People were standing on the side of the road here protesting The Da Vinci Code yesterday. There were about 10 with big signs depicting Jesus wearing the crown of thorns with underneath some sort of admonishing slogan.

My friend's church told them to boycott The Da Vinci Code, but she's still going to watch it.

noumenal 05.21.2006 01:29 AM

People should picket movies more often. Not for being blasphemous, but for being shitty.

soniknirve 05.21.2006 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
I hear that the book is MUCH more climatic, exciting and fast paced then the movie though... Hollywood can't portray and duplicate literature the way an author can. I just fear seeing the movie first will turn me off to wanting to read it...

read the book first, then rent the movie. you'll see your quote provve itself:(...

Daycare Nation 05.21.2006 01:39 AM

Thanks for the thread. Art School Confidential is showing tomorrow...I'll probably see it after church.

I also have a copy of the Da Vinci Code but it was a gift--I doubt I will read it OR see the movie.

Are there any fans of Adrian Tomine's comics here?

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