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Anngella 10.28.2007 08:36 PM

Tetris Tournament!
The highest I've gotten so far:
Level: 9
Lines: 84
Score: 23,038

Whoever wins gets ..probably nothing, but if you're bored, play.

Anngella 10.28.2007 08:56 PM

I beat my score (but not the levels or lines): 24,196

gualbert 10.28.2007 09:05 PM

There are many versions of Tetris , so I don't know what "level 9" means.
But I have erased more than 1000 lines countless times.
So I win ( the right to play again )

Anngella 10.28.2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
There are many versions of Tetris , so I don't know what "level 9" means.
But I have erased more than 1000 lines countless times.
So I win ( the right to play again )

There are a total of 10 levels you can get to in this game.
I still fucking own.

king_buzzo 10.29.2007 04:29 AM

give me an online download link.

i miss tertis

ZEROpumpkins 10.29.2007 06:43 AM

Ditto, I wanna play the same version of Tetris you are. I get lots of practise because I finished all my computer graphics work at school so I just play tetris.

Tokolosh 10.29.2007 08:35 AM

Human Tetris

Ha! I'd like to see you try this one for size Anngella.

Ps: I could swear that the Japanese are from another planet! :D

atsonicpark 10.29.2007 02:24 PM

Well, I prefer Tetris Attack or Tetrinet..

But as far as regular Tetris goes, I can play it for a good 45 minutes without losing. Whatever that means.

jon boy 10.29.2007 03:27 PM

tetris is certainly very, very addictive but not as much as arkanoid. at least not as much for me.

atari 2600 10.29.2007 03:35 PM

I can get around the same score on the gameboy version, I think, but haven't tried yet; haven't tried the arcade version yet either. I don't have an NES anymore, but the gameboy one is the same as far as I know.

Anngella 10.29.2007 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Human Tetris

Ha! I'd like to see you try this one for size Anngella.

Ps: I could swear that the Japanese are from another planet! :D

Hahaha I've seen that. It's so awesome. I had a dream about Tetris. I love Tetris. I'm going to marry Tetris.

atari 2600 10.29.2007 04:34 PM

well, yours is a good score. This ex of mine was a little better than me and she would have dreams of tetris. you probably do too.

here's the Simpsons ("Strong Arms of the Ma" ep) packing up after Rainier Wolfcastle's yard sale...Homer was carried home by Rainier in a "snugli" if you'll recall (why didn't they just leave his name as "Rainier Wolfcastle" for the movie? it's bullshit! bullshit i say!)



simpsons tetris

Silent Dan Speaks 10.29.2007 09:42 PM

24, 133! I'm getting there.

Anngella 10.29.2007 10:33 PM

Dude I took a nap and I totally had a dream that I kept losing Tetris. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

gualbert 10.29.2007 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
well, yours is a good score. This ex of mine was a little better than me and she would have dreams of tetris. you probably do too.

I don't dream of tetris , but if I play a very long time and then try to sleep , I keep playing in my mind , with the blocks falling randomly, just like when I play "for real".

Everyneurotic 10.29.2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
tetris is certainly very, very addictive but not as much as arkanoid. at least not as much for me.

damn straight, arkanoid is where it's at.

i do have the russian version of tetris for nes, with the black catridge.

Silent Dan Speaks 11.06.2007 01:25 AM

Ha, 31,377! The day is mine!

Now who is the victor?

Anngella 11.06.2007 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Silent Dan Speaks
Ha, 31,377! The day is mine!

Now who is the victor?


Level: 10
Lines: 92
Score: 45, 359

I forgot to post when I did it, but I keep a record in my AIM profile. I'm so lame :)

Silent Dan Speaks 11.06.2007 01:07 PM


I will defeat you.

Anngella 11.06.2007 03:57 PM

We'll see, darlin'.

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