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Cantankerous 08.30.2007 11:34 PM

not as in drunk, as in extremely angry
my grandmother is in the hospital seriously ill with an infection of the intestines and i got a call basically begging me to come see her and i was just fucking here for their god damn anniversary party which was not particularly enjoyable.
i made them all throw down for the plane ticket. no way would i be paying for that shit.
how are YOU?

total-trash 08.30.2007 11:35 PM

i'm doing quite well thanks. sorry bout that though

davenotdead 08.30.2007 11:37 PM

i have insomnia

Cantankerous 08.31.2007 12:01 AM

well i'm going to go space out and then go to bed because i'm tired of this shit and i don't want to think about it.

Everyneurotic 08.31.2007 12:03 AM

oh man, that sucks, cantanky.

at least you vented a little here.

davenotdead 08.31.2007 12:13 AM

good idea...spacing out is great....oh i wish i could sleep.

SynthethicalY 08.31.2007 01:14 AM

Sorry to hear that.

phoenix 08.31.2007 01:18 AM

yeh people dying is so inconvenient.

demonrail666 08.31.2007 03:15 AM

it does suck, but you should go. just don't stay longer than you have to. a quick show yr face job is what's called for. callous but true.

Toilet & Bowels 08.31.2007 06:58 AM

if i could, i'd give you a pat on the head and some chocolate chip cookies to cheer you up.

king_buzzo 08.31.2007 07:03 AM

that sucks, I'm doing fine.

floatingslowly 08.31.2007 07:45 AM

my grandfather is dying in the hospital right now.

I told my mother "don't expect me to come or you'll be disappointed".

that's how it's done!

Rob Instigator 08.31.2007 09:10 AM

Hope your grandma recovers.

if people are trelling you to come see her it is because she is near her end cantank. don't be bitter about it, just go and pay your respects to the woman without whom you would not be born.

and eat somethin'!

Cantankerous 08.31.2007 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Hope your grandma recovers.

if people are trelling you to come see her it is because she is near her end cantank. don't be bitter about it, just go and pay your respects to the woman without whom you would not be born.

and eat somethin'!

i don't think she's gonna kick the bucket, but she's lost like 40 lbs because of some kind of intestinal infection and they can't figure out what it is exactly so they've been doing examinations and tests and all that business. she was in isolation for a while.

zedius 08.31.2007 09:46 PM

I wish I could have got to know my dead grandparents better, but I don't talk to my living ones enough anyway so I dunno.

I think it's best to just be yourself, if you're bored or annoyed try to find who else feels the same way, try to talk to your grandma about it. Be like "Grandma I sure do love you but this whole family deal bugs me. I'm sorry. I hope you feel better."

Try to talk honestly with her? Try to figure out what you'd really like to get out of the occasion.

I might be making assumptions here. Sorry if this is way off mark. Your grandma should know your concerned at the very least though. Even if you're not.

Cantankerous 08.31.2007 09:51 PM

well it's not like i want her to die. she's pretty seriously ill but her health has never been too good because she drinks like a gallon of diet soda a day which has caused her to have to have a double hip replacement and one knee replaced, she has terrible rheumatoid arthritis etc (as does my other grandmother, so i'm pretty fucked there.)

Cantankerous 09.01.2007 12:08 PM

oh and to top it all off now i'm sick. fucking nose/throat infection or something. can't breathe through my nose, thick green SPUTUM (grossest word ever save for moist) throat hurts etc.

davenotdead 09.01.2007 12:10 PM


gmku 09.01.2007 01:07 PM

Imagine how lonely it must feel to be sick and old. Go and provide a few moments of comfort, especially since your way is paid for.

!@#$%! 09.01.2007 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
not as in drunk, as in extremely angry
my grandmother is in the hospital seriously ill with an infection of the intestines and i got a call basically begging me to come see her and i was just fucking here for their god damn anniversary party which was not particularly enjoyable.
i made them all throw down for the plane ticket. no way would i be paying for that shit.
how are YOU?

wow that's stone fucking cold! why won't the old bat die already & stop inconveniencing everyone? you know, you could smother her with a pillow & get it over with these damn trips. i bet you could even turn her into some nice jerky. you know, for the trip back.

and i'm great, thanks.

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