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Alex's Trip 08.25.2007 10:47 PM

See you all later
I've invested too much time into this place.

Everyneurotic 08.25.2007 10:51 PM

allah ma'om

demonrail666 08.25.2007 10:55 PM

so have we all. not a day goes past when I don't think about giving it up but, as per, I find myself back.

Kloriel 08.25.2007 10:59 PM

Time is like a blade of grass. If you're human, you can blow it and make a song. If you're a dog, then you'll just eat it and throw it up later.

floatingslowly 08.26.2007 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
so have we all. not a day goes past when I don't think about giving it up but, as per, I find myself back.


I think that there is just something in the air.

gawddamn quitters, if I can't do it, neither can you.


Inhuman 08.26.2007 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
I've invested too much time into this place.

I've tried that 'I'm leaving' bullshit before. It doesn't work. This place is like meth. You always will go back to it after trying it once.

Norma J 08.26.2007 01:59 AM

What's the problem here? I'm on here daily but it doesn't hold me down/back in my daily life and/or my life in general, nor does it feel like a burden. Perhaps I don't spend as much time on here as others do?

The days in which I spend a fair chunk of hours sitting on the net (literally), I find a pleasure, as I've had a lazy day and bummed around. When are bummed around days bad? I guess if this becomes a regular occurrance for it to become a pattern, I can see the hassle. Meh (I just shrugged my shoulders).

pbradley 08.26.2007 03:40 AM

The internet is really, truly the waiting room of our modern lives.

Green_mind 08.26.2007 04:06 AM

Moderation is the key, get a healthier balance perhaps, but there is no need to go for good.

PAULYBEE2656 08.26.2007 04:28 AM

oh god no. its the season of i hate this place im leaving threads. ok, just dont log in then. im guessing the tedious trend is gonna kick in again........

Danny Himself 08.26.2007 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
I've tried that 'I'm leaving' bullshit before. It doesn't work. This place is like meth. You always will go back to it after trying it once.

Meth? This place is more like porn.

We all come here secretly, some of us with wives and girlfriends sleeping soundly in the next room, blissfully unaware of our shameful exploits on the internet- yes, shameful- really, we're all pretty ashamed of ourselves that this is how desperately lonely our lives have become.

"What are you doing in there?"

"Ohhhhh nothing- I'm just... er.. reading.."

afterthefact 08.26.2007 08:39 AM

I've sucessfully quit 3 times, I believe. Of course, that all depends on your definition of sucess.

Savage Clone 08.26.2007 08:50 AM

(This is all an attempt to save face and look decisive when in fact Alex's Trip has simply been grounded from the computer for a year by his mom for staying up until 8:30 PM on a Saturday to watch The Great Muppet Caper on DVD)

sellouteater 08.26.2007 09:54 AM

technly hes not quiting, the thread says see you all later, So maybe thats means hes just taking a break and later on will all see him again

luxinterior 08.26.2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
I've invested too much time into this place.

Gee I sure hope not!

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 08.26.2007 12:53 PM

Why would you want to leave?

!@#$%! 08.26.2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
I've invested too much time into this place.

there again, the misuse of the word "invest". sorry alex, but you're flunking this vocabulary test. if you had "invested' you'd be profiting now. just call it like it is. you've wasted too much time in this cesspool. time to get on with real life.

good man! congratulations, & best wishes cutting those apron strings & all the good stuff that comes after.

you're not a duck! you're human! go forth! go forth & thrash!

SynthethicalY 08.26.2007 09:41 PM

Have fun. Enjoy life.

luxinterior 08.26.2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
there again, the misuse of the word "invest". sorry alex, but you're flunking this vocabulary test. if you had "invested' you'd be profiting now. just call it like it is. you've wasted too much time in this cesspool. time to get on with real life.

good man! congratulations, & best wishes cutting those apron strings & all the good stuff that comes after.

you're not a duck! you're human! go forth! go forth & thrash!

Well of course he's profiting--just look at the fine young man he's turned into.

Alex's Trip 08.27.2007 08:26 AM

(checking in on this thread before I leave)

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
there again, the misuse of the word "invest". sorry alex, but you're flunking this vocabulary test. if you had "invested' you'd be profiting now. just call it like it is. you've wasted too much time in this cesspool. time to get on with real life.

good man! congratulations, & best wishes cutting those apron strings & all the good stuff that comes after.

you're not a duck! you're human! go forth! go forth & thrash!

in·vest (ĭn-vĕst')

1. To commit (money or capital) in order to gain a financial return: invested their savings in stocks and bonds.
1. To spend or devote for future advantage or benefit: invested much time and energy in getting a good education.

I've invested too much time here in hopes of answers, or something. Answers that I don't think I'll get.

I aced that vocab test.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
(This is all an attempt to save face and look decisive when in fact Alex's Trip has simply been grounded from the computer for a year by his mom for staying up until 8:30 PM on a Saturday to watch The Great Muppet Caper on DVD)

Fuck you.

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