ZEROpumpkins |
07.15.2007 12:09 AM |
The ZEROpumpkins holiday thread!!! Pics inside...
Right now i'm on a big boat in Sydney harbour writing this on one of the compters they have onboard. I've been on a cruise for 10 days and am waiting my arse off as the line to get off the boat is massive, there's like 2000 people. But it's been a great holiday! We went to 2 islands in Vanuatu, Port Vila (which is the capital of Vanuatu) and one Island in New Calidonia. I went snorkeling on the three islands, one of them I even saw a squid :p . On the last couple of nights I met a few people and we just hung out till about 3am. The boat came in 4 hours late this morning, and they are refusing to serve lunch. Thus, the only food on board are cookies for $1.50. Excuse the rambling nature of this thread, I'll update it and go into more detail when I get home. Thanks for reading!
Here are the photos!!

Me in the taxi on the way to the dock

The back pool while docked in Sydney right at the start of the cruise.Note that it is not filled yet.

Sunrise at the first sea day
...and there's more in the next post