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Sheriff Rhys Chatham 05.01.2006 06:40 PM

Friggens illegal imigrants
Thiss hit is so stupid. Its been on the news for a couple of days now.
Hey lets stop working in a country where we're not allowed to work to protest our right to rights. Maybe if they came legally they'd get something. They were saying shit how they help america and they work for america. So your telling me you crossed the boarders illegally, broke numerous jobs, because you want to help America? Fuck that man. Fuck off.

!@#$%! 05.01.2006 06:42 PM

hah! are you sore cos you couldn't get your maccheezballs today man?

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 05.01.2006 06:45 PM

nope, just angry at highschool dropouts and ignorant fuck tards.

nomadicfollower 05.01.2006 06:45 PM

The word 'fuck tard' is becoming way overused.

HaydenAsche 05.01.2006 06:48 PM

And your point is?

samuel 05.01.2006 07:03 PM

I'm just tired of hearing about it on the news.

val-holla-ing 05.01.2006 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
nope, just angry at highschool dropouts and ignorant fuck tards.

the "highschool dropouts and fucktards" on this board? the "highschool droupouts and fucktards" from mexico? or the "highschool dropouts and fucktards" on fox news?

you really must specify which group you're talking about.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 05.01.2006 08:04 PM

in this situation: the protesters.

Anngella 05.01.2006 08:21 PM

Dude, just don't watch the news~

thewall91 05.01.2006 08:26 PM

i'm just glad my food deliverymen must be here legally. i'm HUNGRY!!!

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 05.01.2006 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Anngella
Dude, just don't watch the news~

i have no cable.

khchris(original) 05.01.2006 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
Thiss hit is so stupid. Its been on the news for a couple of days now.
Hey lets stop working in a country where we're not allowed to work to protest our right to rights. Maybe if they came legally they'd get something. They were saying shit how they help america and they work for america. So your telling me you crossed the boarders illegally, broke numerous jobs, because you want to help America? Fuck that man. Fuck off.

Enjoy your nice produce at the grocery store, my friend.

It is what it is. There really is no solution that will please everyone, someone is eventually going to get cut short.

Fact of the matter is this: life is about survival and if they want to come to our country(legally or illegally), well I welcome them more than the asshole rich suburban SY fans who "hate America" out of 'trend'.

Atleast they want to be here, which is more than what I can say for many uneducated and spoiled-rotten suburban privileged SY fans.

So, what do you think we do? Go on Immigration Seizures, round up families, children, and babies, pack them on a bus and drop them off at the border???

Have a heart, dude. My mom came to this country legally from Japan, but not all immigrants were as fortunate financially as she was or many immigrants that do come here legally.

If anything, we should kick out those who hate the US(especially those between 18-25 who come from middle-upper class families) and let them make it in Mexico with just the clothes on their back.

Remember: this country was formed by settlers from other countries escaping rule from their previous countries for a better life, exactly what the illegal immigrants are doing. They're just looking for a better life, that's all.

Life is too short to be worried about others who are just looking out for themselves. It's not like the US can't handle it. It may cost extra money, but if it makes those who come here for a better life happy for their families and children, then that's what we should be proud of.

People see our country as a place to be "saved" in many ways, and I love that about them. They appreciate our country a hell of a lot more than some of you fucked up SY fans.

Man, why do I get the feeling that SY's demographic must be like 75% rich white suburban middle-high class snotty kids???

Amaranth 05.01.2006 09:47 PM

Well, ultimately the fault lies in the greedy hands of those who hire illegal workers, and pay them less than minimum wage.

I bet Mexico is trying to draw Americans to Mexico with this legal usable ammount buisness. (joking)

I don't understand why the US doesn't try harder to work with Mexico because obviously there is something happening there pushing away their people.

val-holla-ing 05.01.2006 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
in this situation: the protesters.

just curious, but what makes the protesters "dumbfucks"? other than the fact that the actual act of protesting probably won't get anything done, i can't really disagree with the cause. whether you know it or not, by making the types of comments you're making, you're identifying yourself as a bigot who leans toward blind patriotism. with the things they go through to get to america, i would say that they deserve a place here more than most anyone else.

!@#$%! 05.01.2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
nope, just angry at highschool dropouts and ignorant fuck tards.

self-hatred is just so sad to witness... :p


now, seriously:

suck it up man. it's a power struggle. life is. did the pilgrims have a green card? send them back you say?? should the indians start deportation proceedings?

anyway, the feds neglected the problem for decades. now the immigrants are taking the problem in their own hands. good-- this will push for a solution. about fucking time. there's no free market without freedom for labor to move where the jobs are. nafta is hence defective.

i want to see your pussy ass cleaning toilets for 8 bucks an hour and no benefits. (to quote an earlier post by savage clone): i fucking triple dog dare you (ha). go ahed & show some balls: for one day only. you'll be crying by lunchbreak. i bet $50 on it.

normally i like you man but this has been a case of foot-in-mouth disease for you. i don't hold it against you but you are simply talking out of your ass. go get informed & graduate from highschool aready. all is forgiven.

HaydenAsche 05.01.2006 10:12 PM

Don't be angry with these people.

Ignore their existence. Much Easier.

Everyneurotic 05.01.2006 10:37 PM

fuck the usa
and fuck mexico too, while we're at it.

well no, i like my country, fuck the mexicans!!

ricechex 05.02.2006 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by khchris(original)
Enjoy your nice produce at the grocery store, my friend.

It is what it is. There really is no solution that will please everyone, someone is eventually going to get cut short.

Fact of the matter is this: life is about survival and if they want to come to our country(legally or illegally), well I welcome them more than the asshole rich suburban SY fans who "hate America" out of 'trend'.

Atleast they want to be here, which is more than what I can say for many uneducated and spoiled-rotten suburban privileged SY fans.

So, what do you think we do? Go on Immigration Seizures, round up families, children, and babies, pack them on a bus and drop them off at the border???

Have a heart, dude. My mom came to this country legally from Japan, but not all immigrants were as fortunate financially as she was or many immigrants that do come here legally.

If anything, we should kick out those who hate the US(especially those between 18-25 who come from middle-upper class families) and let them make it in Mexico with just the clothes on their back.

Remember: this country was formed by settlers from other countries escaping rule from their previous countries for a better life, exactly what the illegal immigrants are doing. They're just looking for a better life, that's all.

Life is too short to be worried about others who are just looking out for themselves. It's not like the US can't handle it. It may cost extra money, but if it makes those who come here for a better life happy for their families and children, then that's what we should be proud of.

People see our country as a place to be "saved" in many ways, and I love that about them. They appreciate our country a hell of a lot more than some of you fucked up SY fans.

Man, why do I get the feeling that SY's demographic must be like 75% rich white suburban middle-high class snotty kids???

shit, u always say SY are snobby white suburbia. if i only had a nickel for every time u said that. haha. but that's yr thing,man. u want so badly to see it that way, b/c it makes u the original, the smarter lone rebel round here that sees something none of us braindead pot smoking liberals sees. ur fighting the pretentious SY liberals,man. "america is the best, we should all be thankful, and stop whining"..blah, blah, we got it. ur a genius. by the way, bush has broken 750 laws, and i'm whining..

Rob Instigator 05.02.2006 11:48 AM

How are these people a burden to our society? How?
the party line that "illegal immigrants do not pay taxes" is a load of shit
most peope that earn under 30 thou a year do not pay taxes. they get their taxes refunded to them. the immihgrants and laborers make below that amount.
now, while they do not file income tax, that is but one teeeny tiny boit of the taxes collected from everyone in america. immigrants pay sales taxes, taxes on gasoline, etc etc. THEY PAY TAXES, so anyone claiming the immigrants are freeloaders is a fucking lying asshole.

these people want to WORK. they want to be good citizens. most are very devoutly religious. most are good honest poeple (just like all people). what's the fucking problem? if latin americ was full od white people and if mexico was full of white people, there would be no problem.
for decades, immigration, ILLEGAL immigratrion from canada was completely ignored, cuz they are white and blend in.

think about it.

these people protesting want to be americans and love america more than the fucking ungrateful citizens of the USA.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.02.2006 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
How are these people a burden to our society? How?
the party line that "illegal immigrants do not pay taxes" is a load of shit
most peope that earn under 30 thou a year do not pay taxes. they get their taxes refunded to them. the immihgrants and laborers make below that amount.
now, while they do not file income tax, that is but one teeeny tiny boit of the taxes collected from everyone in america. immigrants pay sales taxes, taxes on gasoline, etc etc. THEY PAY TAXES, so anyone claiming the immigrants are freeloaders is a fucking lying asshole.

these people want to WORK. they want to be good citizens. most are very devoutly religious. most are good honest poeple (just like all people). what's the fucking problem? if latin americ was full od white people and if mexico was full of white people, there would be no problem.
for decades, immigration, ILLEGAL immigratrion from canada was completely ignored, cuz they are white and blend in.

think about it.

these people protesting want to be americans and love america more than the fucking ungrateful citizens of the USA.

Right On.

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