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Question for people who work in customer care jobs or similar
How do you deal with difficult people? I've had a record number of arseholes to deal with, today. Most of the time it's easy to offer them something that'll get them off my back, but one in particular was such an arrogant, demented bastard ,it made me wish him dead and buried. Do you switch to nice but sarcastic mode or you simply become rude and dismissive with them?
tell them to please fuck off, that they are fucking jackasses, and never bother you again, thank you.
Do what I do, destroy their orders. But of course I work in a bakery, I could just say the order got lost.
holy fuck.
it must be the moon. I've had call after call of people screaming at me today. I sent out about 200 letters telling people to pay up or face collections, so I guess I was asking for it. but is it my fault they don't pay their bills???? the last guy ended up hanging up on me because I told him that I wasn't going to continue the conversation unless he stopped the profanities. granted, I have a mouth like a sailor, but NOT when I'm calling someone about my bill. I ALWAYS start off as "Mr. Nice Guy" but if I'm being verbally abused, I let them know that it's not acceptable and that the conversation is going to end unless they change their tone. they either stop the abuse and pay me or I send them off to a collection agency. Note: "Mr. Bullshit-Asshole" has until June 9 to cough up the cash. :) |
That's plenty of time to sell your body to earn some cash. |
does it require man-to-man contact or are there paying ladies? I'll happily pass on the suggestion to the next deadbeat in line.
*prepares to take notes* |
man to man, or man to ladies, or man to trannies, you name it. The world is full of people who like these kind of things.
what about lady-to-lady. can I get paid to watch???
man-to-man and man-to-tranny just aren't my bag, so the options are limited. I guess I'm not about to go to collections or in need bail money so I'll just save these suggestions for my future callers. NOTE: seeing as I'm not hurting for money, I will be willing to watch lady-to-lady ABSOLUTELY FREEEEEEE!!!!! what a bargain! |
That depends, on wheter they want you, and if you want to see lipstick lesbians doing each other or butch lesbians, or a lipstick lesbian witha butch. Which ones are your favorite? |
I'm going to vote lipstick-to-lipstick.
the bull's have horrible taste in music (new-country for-the-lose). beyond that, some of them are more manly than I am. a lesbian wanted to have my baby once (I make nice looking kids), maybe I could offer some sort of trade-out?? PS: MY BAD. ![]() PSPS: Dear Baby Jesus, please make my phone stop ringing. kthxbai. |
Well, I work in patient care, and being rude to a patient can get you into more trouble than just losing your job. Every once and a while, there is a patient who thinks they know more than you, and expect you to anticipate what it is they need before they need it.
Normally, I just grin and bear it. Its not as though you can tell them to fuck off. This is typical of me though, I try to avoid unnecessary or petty confrontation. |
It only takes about 2 or three people to make your day at at work a misery, and that's because the majority of them are nice folks to deal with. I've already forgotten about them, once you're out they don't exist.
How very true Pork.
Though, sometimes it lingers for the whole day, and the next day, said person is still as aggravating, and you have yet another horrible day. A guy I work with is fixated on talking about himself, and his many accomplishments. I try and stay away from him, because I can't stand to hear it anymore. |
then there are days (like today) where just about everybody is pissy. seriously, I'm about to lose my cool. to add insult, the wife has gnarly PMS and I just found out the tires on my car are fucked up (explains why it slides around in the rain). is this my own personal bitch thread? nope, but it's as on topic as I ever get.... on the upside: I have tickets for my very first sonic youth show. no longer shall I be ashamed! |
I wasn't talking about collegues, I haven't got any as such. There are people who obviously I need to deal with professionally and it's ok for as long as it's by email or phone, apart from the various boys and girls who work in different areas of the building and drop into my office to collect stuff and are generally a good laugh. It's hideous, unreasonable people on the phone who test my patience, but as I've said already, they are few and far inbetween.
I've got to deal with 'hideous, unreasonable' people all day. No matter if they are co-workers or customers/patients. Its endless.
Lucky the person who only has to talk over the phone with slobs. |
seriously, count your blessings! given the nature of my job, 75% of those that call me are mad before I even answer the phone. :p it's rare that it's as bad as it is today, but only due to the total volume of calls. |
You said it. Look at my post count on a quiet day.:) :) :) If you click on the third smiley, it will take you to another space and time. Go on, do it. |
i work in a high-end health food store.....stocking shelves for rich bitches . most people are alright , but still more expect everythign to be done for them the second they walk in . ill be at the freezer putting away some frozen waffles, and someone already frustrated will come up and demand where the ice cream is . %*&(#%& !!!! in such cases, i be polite and ask them to kindly follow me, and walk them around the whole store , to the front end, around the chips, by the washrooms, and back to the place we were standing and point a metre to my left to the ice cream they just couldnt find .
if they're just being pricks and using me to abuse for their tiny penis or lack of brain cells or fucked up mongoloid children , i usually end up just turning around and walking away . i wish i had some manipulative skills and could humiliate some of these people , or just confuse them , while being somewhat polite =/ |
You cant tell them to fuck off, you'll most likely lose yr job. You have to remain polite with them no matter how much they act like belligerent assholes. Trust me, I've workd custyonmer service jobs for 3 years now (someone fuckin shoot me please), and good customer service is key to maintaining yr job and yr store.
And whenever some douche-bag cusatomer gets too out of control for me, I just pawn him/her off on my manager. So that way I don't have to deal with their shit. =) I would like to know why so many customers think it is ok to treat people in Customer Service like we're pieces of shit? Most of us are just young college students tryin to make a buck to help us through school, and pot and beer. Yet we're treated like beasts of burden for any asshole with a self-inflated opinion. I hate that old addage, "The customer is always right". Fuck that shit! The customer is always an asshole!!!! |
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