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HaydenAsche 04.30.2007 07:27 PM

In this hole.
I'm done with drugs. For real this time. I'm tired of staying up all night and spending all my money on drugs. It's so lame.

!@#$%! 04.30.2007 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I'm done with drugs. For real this time. I'm tired of staying up all night and spending all my money on drugs. It's so lame.

bravo man. i hope youre not joking, because i'm proud of you for this. drugs turn people into insane morons. fuck, just... look around.

cuetzpalin 04.30.2007 07:31 PM

that's great. what kind of drugs do you mean by that? i used to take some speeds (not for a long time, only for three months..) and it wasn't worth it. anyway bad experience - useful experience. take care

demonrail666 04.30.2007 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I'm done with drugs. For real this time. I'm tired of staying up all night and spending all my money on drugs. It's so lame.

Are you sure that your post isn't merely a thinly veiled 'how Rock 'n' Roll am I' style announcement, declaring that you take lots of drugs, stay up all night and spend all your money on them?

schizophrenicroom 04.30.2007 07:33 PM

go hayden!

HaydenAsche 04.30.2007 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Are you sure that your post isn't merely a thinly veiled 'how Rock 'n' Roll am I' style announcement, declaring that you take lots of drugs, stay up all night and spend all your money on them?

Ha. No. I'm not very rock and roll at all.

Yeah. I'm serious. I don't smoke meth or do heroin or anything but I smoke alot of pot, take alot of pills, drink alot of alcohol, and occassionally do some coke or mushrooms or something.

Sonic Youth 37 04.30.2007 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I'm done with drugs. For real this time. I'm tired of staying up all night and spending all my money on drugs. It's so lame.

Congrats man.

demonrail666 04.30.2007 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I smoke alot of pot, take alot of pills, drink alot of alcohol, and occassionally do some coke or mushrooms or something.

Your details have been forwarded to the local authorities. :D

HaydenAsche 04.30.2007 07:37 PM

As if they don't already know.

cuetzpalin 04.30.2007 07:37 PM

what effects does coke have? i've heard something but never tried it..

HaydenAsche 04.30.2007 07:38 PM

It's numbing and it makes you happy. It only lasts a little while. It's also expensive as fuck.

!@#$%! 04.30.2007 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by cuetzpalin
what effects does coke have? i've heard something but never tried it..

it makes you twitch a lot & it makes you think you're smarter than you actually are. cokehead conversations therefore tend to be a lot of animated but meaningless gibberish. it also makes men forget about women as all they care about is the next... i dont know how to translate this... hit? snort? yeah. crazy & by the nose. nosebleeds. teeth grinding. sore muscles. depression afterwards.

cuetzpalin 04.30.2007 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
It's numbing and it makes you happy. It only lasts a little while. It's also expensive as fuck.

numbing? as opium? i was alway wondering about the price. i thought it must be really something that people spend so much money only for one shot

HaydenAsche 04.30.2007 07:42 PM

Not like opium. It's completely different. !@#$%!'s got it pretty spot on.

!@#$%! 04.30.2007 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by cuetzpalin
numbing? as opium? i was alway wondering about the price. i thought it must be really something that people spend so much money only for one shot

no, like an anesthetic-- think dentist. in fact dentists use novocaine, a cocaine-derived substance (maybe not derived but related i believe).

schizophrenicroom 04.30.2007 07:43 PM

on average, how much is coke? i'm just curious.

cuetzpalin 04.30.2007 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it makes you twitch a lot & it makes you think you're smarter than you actually are. cokehead conversations therefore tend to be a lot of animated but meaningless gibberish. it also makes men forget about women as all they care about is the next... i dont know how to translate this... hit? snort? yeah. crazy & by the nose. nosebleeds. teeth gridning. sore muscles. depression afterwards.

thanks. less appetite now:)

MellySingsDoom 04.30.2007 07:44 PM


HaydenAsche 04.30.2007 07:45 PM

Depends. I can get a ball(3.5 grams) for $150 but if you're buying it in a small town it's probably going to be something like 75-100 a gram or 200-300 a ball. You can get really cheap coke in the trailer parks, though.

!@#$%! 04.30.2007 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Depends. I can get a ball(3.5 grams) for $150 but if you're buying it in a small town it's probably going to be something like 75-100 a gram or 200-300 a ball. You can get really cheap coke in the trailer parks, though.

coke in the u.s. is mostly shit, as it's been cut & recut with all sorts of shit. which makes it even worse.

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