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evollove 02.28.2019 07:32 PM

I Could Use Your Help
Actually, I need help helping someone else.

I am fully aware of how lame and pathetic this is going to be. But I truly think it's for a higher purpose, so I'm willing to risk public embarrassment.

Here's the story: I'm in a group--a duo--which is in the frustrating position of not being able to get good gigs because we don't have much of a following, but we can't get much of a following without good gigs. That's the way it works 'round here. We beg from other bands we know for decent slots, but we're running out of favors. (We have a few things coming up, but they're gonna be sucky dues-paying sorts of shows.)

So we need likes and follows. I know, I know. I hate social media as much as the next person. We've tried to avoid it for as long as we could. I don't care about it. You don't care. But venue owners DO care.

But this isn't really for me. If it was just my thing, or if I was working with just about anyone else, I wouldn't ask. I might even relish the struggle.

Here's the higher purpose:

My bandmate is a massively talented, unbelievably kind young woman of 20 who dropped out of college to make it as a musician. And if I've ever met anyone who has the potential, it's her. She gets asked constantly to work with other people, and for some reason I'm the only one she's said yes to, so I feel obligated to make this group as successful as possible for her. (Not only that, I think she deserves more recognition.)

So this isn't really a "Please like my band" sort of thing (although I admit I've done that in the past). This is more of a "Help me help someone worthy" sort of thing.

Facebook: This is probably the most important. Most venue owners prefer to communicate through messenger and they'll look at these numbers first. No joke: your "Like" could be the difference between getting a gig or not.

Instagram: Not as essential, but still nice. Let me know if you want to be left alone. Otherwise we'll follow back.

Even some spins on Soundcloud might come in handy:

I'm really not being dramatic when I say that by clicking a few buttons, you can make a good person's life a little better, or at least fill that life with a bit more potential. Sure, I'll get something out of it too, but I'm old and gonna die soon, so it's almost entirely about her and her future.

Bytor Peltor 02.28.2019 08:51 PM

This is a worthy endeavor and you are a good friend trying to do all you can. While I don’t use those forms of Social-media, I’ll be listening to the SoundCloud while at work tonight......hope it helps!

!@#$%! 03.01.2019 12:14 PM

i don’t use social media (dinosaur, i know) but im twisted up inside trying to keep my mouth shut about dropping out of school to make it in the music business...

in an age when you can get cheap part time community college credit to learn to use a recording studio and other useful technical skills...

idk man! quit completely?

the economy is no longer kind to the uneducated.... and artists always need a side gig

also your classmates can be your network and provide the fb/ig likes... and college bars parties etc provide the scene.

might be good heroics provided that she sets a reasonable stop loss on that trade but not for too long.

was reading about the great andrew hill and he did a long stint of university teaching late in life

a little schooling goes a long waaaaayyyyy... community college ftw, son. i mean daughter? lmao. anyway hedge that bet a little with a touch of prudence. it’s not a lack of faith and might actually enable the music career.

Bytor Peltor 03.01.2019 02:42 PM

I listened to the SoundCloud tracks, great job to whoever recorded them. No doubt your band mate has talent, I hope y’all are able to turn this passion into a carrier.

!@#$%! is correct about school and I don’t understand dropping out while having no regular gigs. I do know there are companies that will provide you with a “fake following” for a few bucks......believe the going rate is 5000 YouTube views for $25. I’m pretty sure there is something similar for FB likes.

Please keep us posted on how things progress, I hope it works out for y’all!!!

tesla69 03.01.2019 05:25 PM

She needs to move to LA or NYC and be constantly touring and writing new music and working, and getting stuff out to amuse her fans and give them stuff to purchase and have experiences with, or use sex and dope to get the best gigs

and find management

befriend someone else with great talent and kill them and steal their songs! a star is born!

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