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SONIC GAIL 02.23.2014 01:07 PM

For those of you that give a fuck
I am actually happy for the first time I can remember:D
Ditched my husband who was bringing me down.....and I am now FREEEEEE!!!! I finally have control over my addictions and have reclaimed my life. I don't work in a cubicle anymore, I make money with my art and old lady crafting obsessions. Meet the new and improved SONIC GAIL.

Not sure why I always end up coming back here...yall are like family I suppose.

EVOLghost 02.23.2014 01:10 PM

Glad to hear yer happy! Hope everything continues to be well for you.

SONIC GAIL 02.23.2014 01:17 PM

glad to see yr still here....I missed this place

Derek 02.23.2014 01:40 PM

Awesome! =^.^=

Pookie 02.23.2014 02:01 PM

Excellent news. I'm not sure why we all keep coming back here when the ones I like most I have contact with other places. Then again I've been coming here for 8 years so it would be hard to break the habit now.

I also need some way to stalk the people who've rejected my Facebook requests.

_slavo_ 02.23.2014 03:24 PM

you ditched your husband, Gail?

well, if you think it was deserved, then I'm glad for you.

Good look for finding a new man soon!

Nefeli 02.23.2014 04:12 PM

good for you girl.
everything is gonna be fine.

pony 02.23.2014 05:28 PM

glad that you're happy again, mum!
hope the kids are well and cute as always (they sure got it from their mama)

MellySingsDoom 02.23.2014 06:51 PM

Great to hear that you're happy, motivated and fulfilled.
Keep on keeping on!

floatingslowly 02.23.2014 06:58 PM

the path to true happiness is never easy.

I know this all too well.

that said, I'm CRUSHED to hear that I'm not one of Pookie's favo(u)rites.


Genteel Death 02.23.2014 07:16 PM

Great news. If you're happy, I'm happy.

Bytor Peltor 02.23.2014 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
I make money with my art and old lady crafting obsessions.

I enjoyed reading all of it, but the above really put a smile on my face!

Good to know things are going better for you and that you will be coming around here more often = Sonic Love!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.23.2014 11:15 PM

Normally I don't support thew whole ditching the husband thing, but if its got you finally happy and clean I can't hate on that yo ;)

Pookie 02.24.2014 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
that said, I'm CRUSHED to hear that I'm not one of Pookie's favo(u)rites.


You're in my top 1.

Rob Instigator 02.24.2014 09:15 AM

Good to hear. Sonic Life!

!@#$%! 02.24.2014 10:19 AM

congrats, i suppose? the man did look like a drunk (yes, i'm the judgy one), so if you say so, i'll believe you.

looking forward to seeing you here more often! i'll confess i lost interest when all you'd post be "pillz pillz." i'm glad that's over. here's to better work and better health and better everything. yes?

tesla69 02.24.2014 11:32 AM

Hey shouldn't this be in the PRONOIA thread? The world is out to do you good, SONIC GAIL!

SONIC GAIL 02.24.2014 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
congrats, i suppose? the man did look like a drunk (yes, i'm the judgy one), so if you say so, i'll believe you.

looking forward to seeing you here more often! i'll confess i lost interest when all you'd post be "pillz pillz." i'm glad that's over. here's to better work and better health and better everything. yes?

hahaha i did miss you on yr sosp box:-):-)

I think everyone I was ever around has lost interest in my bullshit including me

SONIC GAIL 02.24.2014 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
you ditched your husband, Gail?

well, if you think it was deserved, then I'm glad for you.

Good look for finding a new man soon!

It was long overdue. I will always have a place for him in my heart I am just not giving him the power to keep me in a very dark place for a very long time.

Being single is fuckin awesome!!! First time in 20 years....I am in no hurry

SONIC GAIL 02.24.2014 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by pony
glad that you're happy again, mum!
hope the kids are well and cute as always (they sure got it from their mama)

Hello my little darling<3<3<3 I am having alot of fun just being me

The kids love the new me. They got thier momma backThey belive in me and are proud of me and it means so much.

Looks like u had fun in the US. Gotta come see me in FL soon. Beaches swamps and manatees

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